Updated: 5/7/02; 7:58:16 PM.
there is no spoon
there's a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path

Saturday, April 13, 2002

The above article ends w/people dismissing McKinney as a paranoid conspiracy theorist. She may be exactly that, or, as the article also suggests, she may be simply trying to sieze a hot-button issue for self-agrandizing purposes. Those are definite possibilities. But what's certain is that people who don't want any investigation, who don't want these questions to be asked, will definitely benefit from making McKinney sound like a looney. Calling your opponent "crazy" is a tried-and-true political tactic that Republicans have long experience exploiting.

  1:01:40 PM      comment

ROCK on! Sorry, I can't contain my relief. I just learned that:

*top quote* Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.) is calling for an investigation into whether President Bush and other government officials had advance notice of terrorist attacks on Sept. 11 but did nothing to prevent them. She added that "persons close to this administration are poised to make huge profits off America's new war." *bottom quote*

Of course I hope the investigation finds that no one had advance warning; however, I'm relieved that someone is finally asking some serious questions instead of continuing to give Bush carte blanche on this whole "war" craziness. The article is a must-read. McKinney doesn't seem to be pulling any punches:

*top quote* In 2000, she charged, Bush forces "stole from America our most precious right of all, the right to free and fair elections." With the September attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania, McKinney said, "an administration of questionable legitimacy has been given unprecedented power." *bottom quote*
  12:52:09 PM      comment

news from neptune: Carl Estabrook, candidate for congress in my district, has a great column in the weekly "arts and entertainment" paper -- The Octopus. This week's column features some great thoughts on the media:

*top quote*  The media as the formers of opinion represent the views of that 1 percent of the population who own the country, to the 20 percent (roughly the college educated) who want to be like them, and to the 80 percent who don't care, because they recognize quite correctly that government and politics don't represent their interests. *bottom quote*  12:42:55 PM      comment

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