Updated: 5/7/02; 7:58:08 PM.
there is no spoon
there's a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path

Monday, April 8, 2002

go go gadget open-source! After downloading the huge file a couple of days ago, I've now made Mozilla 0.9.9 my default broswer (in fact, I'm now creating my Radio entries in Composer's WYSIWYG editor -- it's faster than coding them by hand and it doesn't seem to be adding too many icky extra tags). Mozilla seems fast, stable, and, frankly, I was getting tired of Omniweb 's crashes (about once every day or two, for no explicable reason, but usually right when I had about a dozen windows open -- in other words, at the worst possible time). The only complaint I have about Mozilla is that it still seems a bit slow creating/opening new windows, but even that has improved a great deal since 0.9.8. Anyway, since I've been using Mozilla I've been watching links that mention it and stumbled on this Salon article about AOL's decision to use Mozilla as it's browser. Andrew Leonard asks a great question, with an equally great answer:

*top quote* Could AOL, as part of its strategic positioning against Microsoft, also tap the people power of free software? The prospect, given the ancient antagonism between the Net's geeky elite and AOL's mainstream middle-of-the-road mandate, might once have seemed absurd. But as I installed Mozilla with ease Monday morning, and then gaped with delighted surprise at how well it worked, I began to wonder.*bottom quote*

  9:32:42 PM      comment

it wasn't a refund: As we all fight to find time to pay our taxes for 2001, diveintomark helpfully reminds us that last year we didn't really get a refund on taxes we'd already paid, we got an advance on the refund we deserve this year. It's still confusing to me, but this story kind of clears it up:

*top quote* Bear with us for the math on how your check is calculated: The rate on the first $6,000 of income for singles and $12,000 for married taxpayers filing jointly is being cut from 15 percent to 10 percent. That's why the refund checks range from $300 for singles ($900 in taxes reduced to $600) and $600 for marrieds ($1,800 in taxes reduced to $1,200).
   But if you were to fill out the tax form next April using the new rates, you'd get the tax-cut benefits a second time. That's why the tax tables that will accompany next year's 1040 will charge you the old 15 percent tax rate, not the new 10 percent rate.
*bottom quote*

got that?
  9:24:00 AM      comment

toady blair: The U.K.'s Prime Minister, Tony Blair, was in Texas w/pResident Bush this weekend where he gave a speech threatening Saddam Hussein.  Meanwhile, pundits are saying the most positive aspect of the current crisis between Israel and Palestine is that Bush has had to stop his aggressive rhetoric against the supposed "axis of evil." You do the math.
  8:26:15 AM      comment

be careful what you wish for: Today the NY Times reports that Penthousemagazine is all but bankrupt, basically because of the web.

top quote the explosion of pornography on the Internet in ever more customized ways may accomplish what the Meese commission on pornography, the Rev. Jerry Falwell and Andrea Dworkin, the antipornography activist, failed to do: the shuttering of Penthouse.

The story gives other reasons for the financial trouble as well, including the fact that publisher Bob Guccione *top quote*  spent millions on an unsuccessful attempt to develop small nuclear fusion reactors, financing a team led by Robert W. Bussard, a nuclear scientist. *bottom quote* What the heck was up with that? Did Guccione have some utopian dreams of free, limitless power for all? Or was it just a greedy scheme to corner the market on a potentially limitless new commodity[~]clean electricity?

Whatever Guccione's goals were w/the nuclear fusion biz, this is the real kicker:

top quote "I'm delighted that Mr. Guccione may be going out of business," Ms. Dworkin said. "The problem is that he is being replaced, quite possibly, by something that is much worse." bottom quote

Which is really a problem that raises another question: How often do we work for positive social change only to end up winning a few battles but losing the war? It seems like it happens far too often. And it's not that I really agree with Dworkin[~]I'm not convinced that porn is as evil as she thinks it is. But I do empathize with her in despairing that all her work might only have made things worse (from her perspective).  8:08:59 AM      comment

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