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Tuesday, October 28, 2003

This story from the New York Times, is about giving preschoolers from low income homes exams made by rich white guys. They ask the four year olds what a vase is - and they probably pronounce it vaahz.

I'm not surprised the page is sponsored by 'The Antidrug'
Because they're on one.
So let's conjoin,
Let the test destroy
Your mental score
Til you can't draw a straight line no more.
[apologies to that Mathers guy]

Here is a really nicely done photographic blog, Life - Poetry in Motion. Cool pictures with stories that talk about them. Thanks for the pointer Debbie!

For updates on the fire situation in southern California, go see Peetee's blog, SD Homies for updates from the front.

With a backhanded compliment, Prof. Winer compares Windows and Linux, saying that "...the user interface of Linux sucks. Windows isn't totally terrible. It's a huge embarassment that with many billions of dollars, dozens of years, and billions of man-hours, this is the best the human species can produce." [Scripting News]


I haven't discovered anything that I really needed in the Panther update to OSX. It does lots of stuff different. Not better, just different. For example, why do icons get a gray box around them when they are selected now? I thought maybe to make it easier to hit them when dragging to them, but no, you still have to hit the icon itself. So the box and the iCal like oval label is just for show.

Hopefully there will be things in here I like after using it a while. There's sure to be all kinds of great stuff going on behind the scenes, but I find the interface changes to be either neutral, or annoying.

© Copyright 2003 by Chris Heilman.