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Monday, May 24, 2004

"Terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist."

"Iraq is now the central front for the war on terror."

"The occupation will end..."

A president, two vice presidents, and a prime minister, 26 ministers and a counsel.

We need 115,000 troops, but we'll keep 138,000 in Iraq.

"Our troops will be heading home."

"If they need more troops we will send them."

Disgraceful conduct "by a few American troops."

"We will demolish the Abu Girabe Grabe Ghraib prison..."

Sue me too, Gov! I mean look, I'm seriously trying to sell your likeness, in fact, I'm undercutting Todd Bosley's Arnold Bobblehead doll by a penney! Bosley's company, Ohio Discount Merchandise Inc, is being sued by Collie Forneeya governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who believes that he, somehow, still owns his likeness.

Clue to Arnold: All your face are belonging to us!

This image of the actor turned politician toting twin Mac 10's just like he might in one of his action movies can be all your's for the LOW LOW price of just $19.98*:

*Bosley is selling a real doll and I'm just hawking non-exclusive rights to this cheesey remake of a Gray Davis photo (it's not even ethically manipulated) but, nevermind, just buy it, ok?


© Copyright 2004 by Chris Heilman.