Tuesday, July 02, 2002

Visualising Blogs. Jon Schull writes on visualising the relationships between blogs and blog posts ("BlogThreads"). Jon Udell: My reflex comment is that if the authoring UI were to capture just a sprinkling of metadata -- for example, cues that a post intends to "opine" or "clarify" or "disagree" or "summarize" -- then [E M E R G I C . o r g]
10:20:33 AM    Trackback []

Adam Bosworth on Web Services. Adam Bosworth (BEA) writes in his XML Magazine column: Thinking of the Web servers as "objects" is an extremely bad idea. Objects are repositories of state. Conversations with them are by definition not stateless. Because objects are encapsulated, conversations with them are also inherently fine-grained. If you think about it, [E M E R G I C . o r g]
10:19:00 AM    Trackback []

Portal for Developers and SMEs. An interesting idea from Liz Barnett, Giga Information Group (quoted in an interview in The Rational Edge): One of the things that I've been a proponent of is a concept I call the Developer's Resource Portal. That may not be the best name because it doesn't have to be a [E M E R G I C . o r g]
10:17:57 AM    Trackback []