Monday, July 29, 2002

Professional PHP4 XML. Between Wrox Professional PHP4 XML and New Riders XML and PHP book, it is hard to recommend one or the other because both are very well written and cover pretty much the same topic that matter to anybody developing XML applications with PHP. If you can afford them, it would probably be a good idea to purchase both as there may be details that may be slightly clearer in one book than in the other. [XML News by]
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Seven myths of KM. Marc Rosenberg has written an article on the Seven myths of KM. This is his list: Knowledge management is about [Column Two]
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Breadcrumbs *are* useful. The University of Maryland has done a study on Website Structural Navigation (aka breadcrumbs). This was the goal of their [Column Two]
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More on topic maps. For those of us who are still struggling to get a firm grasp on topic maps (and I'm definitely in [Column Two]
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William Safire: Blog. (SOURCE:Scripting News)-Cool. The idea is spreading!Blog is a shortening of Web log. It is a Web site belonging to some average but opinionated Joe or Josie who keeps what used to be called a ''commonplace book'' -- a collection of clippings, musings and other things like journal entries that strike one's fancy or titillate one's curiosity. What makes this online daybook different from the commonplace book is that this form of personal noodling or diary-writing is on the Internet, with links that take the reader around the world in pursuit of more about a topic [Roland Tanglao's Weblog]
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