Wednesday, July 17, 2002

Simon Willison has Amazon glue for PHP, as is Jeff Barr. Here we go! ";->" [Scripting News]
3:53:20 PM    Trackback []

myRadio: very early release.

Towards the idea of a Portal on the Desktop. Thanks, Rick.

[aka Blue Sky Radio]

[a klog apart]
3:47:52 PM    Trackback []

Matt Mower - Why Radio?. (SOURCE:Curiouser and curiouser)-Matt about sums it up for me! The K-Log and general "Two-way web" software platform that is Radio makes it the tool for me. If you want just a blog, then, yes perhaps other systems might be better.However I do believe that Radio could be the klogger tool of choice. Why? Because Radio has such potential in both a networked (social) and standalone (personal) context. Because Radio is a general computing platform that has been specialized to handle blogging but could also be specialized for a thousand other applications. I, along with others, are looking to take it to the next stage with k-log ready tools. Userland are doing their part with things like Instant Outlining and RCS. So, that's why Radio. [Roland Tanglao's Weblog]
10:42:40 AM    Trackback []

My Radio... Now it gets interesting.

Check out this "early release" of an extension of the Radio Userland world. From the developers' about page:

This Tool extends the Radio Userland aggregator from rss to any networked data (xml, html, soap, personalized services, etc), and any layout. It is exceedingly simple for developers to add functionality to the framework. The GUI (screenshot) is reminiscent of My Yahoo! and other server based personalization tools.

More information available here.

[tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog]
10:35:58 AM    Trackback []