Monday, July 15, 2002

Newspaper Sites Gaining Traction Online.

Study: Newspapers' Web Traffic Exploding

"Major local newspaper Web sites are growing fast -- in many cases, faster than the rest of the Web, according to new findings by comScore Media Metrix....

During May, for instance, unique visitors to the New York Daily News's site grew 23 percent, while and each saw 12 percent growth. At the same time, however, the number of New Yorkers going online grew only 3 percent.

Similarly, unique visitors to Chicago's increased a staggering 38 percent, while the market's online audience grew only 3 percent as well. Only in Philadelphia, Boston and Dallas-Ft. Worth did local newspapers not experience the same growth trends....

Media Metrix attributed the shifts to growing importance in online classifieds, and to parallel changes in media consumption that sees interactive media playing a role in supplementing traditional TV and newspapers. That's much the same trend touted by groups like the Online Publishers Association, which are encouraging advertisers to buy ads on news and information sites to reach a lucrative at-work audience.

'It's clear that online newspaper sites are rapidly gaining readers -- generally at the expense of print readership,' said Peter Daboll, president of comScore's Media Metrix division. 'Many of these newspaper sites offer a rare opportunity for advertisers to efficiently reach local market audiences that are growing rapidly and spending money more freely.' " [, via The Lost Remote]

Count me in as returning newspaper reader, and I'm definitely one of the folks that make up the above statistic for the Chicago Sun-Times. However in my case, they have NewsIsFree and Radio's news aggregator to thank for my eyeballs. Because the Sun-Times is in my aggregator and the Chicago Tribune isn't, I've effectively switched papers. We still get the Sunday Tribune, but the only parts of it I still occasionally read are the Arts section, Travel section, comics, and ads. For articles, I'm really only reading the Sun-Times these days.

[The Shifted Librarian]
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Tracing activeRenderer. Ed Pimentel told me yesterday he had experimented problems with his weblog's templates when trying aR's outline style for his home page, and then trying to uninstal aR. To help him understand what actually happened, I've published a step by step description of what aR's code does at installation and uninstallation time, as well as when weblog template modifications are requested. [read more] [s l a m]
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