Tuesday, September 24, 2002 |
The MailFrontier site mentions their patent-pending Smart Select technology that does various things to detect spam vs. real users, "then verifies them with a challenge". Does that mean they aim to patent the email-the-sender-back idea independently of the details of their spam technology? If so that could be problematic, because lots of people have probably been thinking about it for years. I know I have. And Matt tells me that he and his friends have been talking about it, and they had never heard of MailFrontier before.
It's obvious: email programs should have a spam filter, but when the spam filter rejects an email, the sender should be able to manually respond to a challenge to prove he isn't a spam bot.
1:10:20 PM
The U.S. chastises Isreal for its actions against Arafat, while the world (OK, except Britain) chastises the U.S. for its Iraq plans.
One thing should be perfectly obvious: each country does what it can to defend itself, and other countries that are not as directly facing the same threat condemn those actions because they disturb the status quo, ultimately threatening to make life inconvenient for them.
That's really all there is to it in the end. There's no high morality here, just pure and simple self-interest.
12:54:30 PM
Nigerian fraud scam: Woman embezzles millions as dupe of hoaxers; 1% of people receiving the scam are taken in. [Wired by way of Dave]
9:00:43 AM
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