Tyromaniac : Truth will triumph in the end... after everybody has left
Updated: 10/20/05; 7:20:42 AM.


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Friday, August 9, 2002

You know what I want? I want to be able to use Radio shortcuts when writing email.Is that a great idea or what? AFAIK t isn't possible.
3:58:23 PM  What do you think? ( Thoughts) Who linked? []   

PowerPC Goes 64 bit [Slashdot]

What the...? I thought the PowerPC was always 64 bit and had 128 bit parts internally (at least, the G4). The 32 bit bits were for outside communications and could be removed...

3:56:05 PM  What do you think? ( Thoughts) Who linked? []   

I love the new iPod update. The new iPod update is really hot -- great calendar integration, support for the equalization in iTunes (all tracks are equalized to the same peak, so you never transition from one tune to another at twice the volume), lots of UI tweaks. It's amazing how a piece of flexible hardware can be continually upgraded, long after you buy it. [Boing Boing Blog]

I agree. The iPod has improved so much since I got it. It's like always having a new gadget. I don't remember any other piece of technology that has "aged" so well... Perhaps the AirPort?
3:50:08 PM  What do you think? ( Thoughts) Who linked? []   

Encryption method ready for prime time. Computer scientists in India crack an age-old math problem to help quickly prove whether a figure is a prime number--a vital step in computer cryptography. [CNET News.com]

Nope. CNET didn't understand. The only way in which cryptography could be affected is in eliminating a, very very small, number of pseudo primes that may be in use as real primes. There is no speed advantage with the new algorithm just certainty.

This kind of mistakes happen when you don't have mathematicians in your staff, so go and hire mathematicians. By the way, I'm willing to entertain serious offers...
3:45:41 PM  What do you think? ( Thoughts) Who linked? []   

Fast Company only begins to sketch the Washington-Hollywood power grab. It's true Silicon Valley isn't doing anything to stop it. Our reps in Washington also represent the SouthLand. But I part company with the author of the article on two counts. 1. No matter what the discredited venture capital industry does or doesn't do, the laws they're passing won't stand up to a First Amendment test, and 2. bad laws are not obeyed by the people. "Think different," as one Silicon Valley company requests. [Scripting News]

With respect to point 2, the problem with bad laws that are not obeyed and can't be enforced is that it devalues other laws. Once you start speeding and not getting caught, why not run over red lights? Pretty soon is chaos out there. That has happened in countries like Venezuela, where laws are so much of a joke, that even the government ignores them. Of course, there is the German saying: Those who enjoy laws and sausages should never witness how they are created.

10:35:09 AM  What do you think? ( Thoughts) Who linked? []   

Miguel is finding out the real truth about broadband in the US.  Greed, ignorance, and a lack of vision has kept prices for "broadband" too high, using the wrong technology, and horribly asynchronous.  This is a demonstration case of the failure of our market economy to provide products people want, at prices even remotely resembleing cost, in a timely manner.  [John Robb's Radio Weblog]
8:32:37 AM  What do you think? ( Thoughts) Who linked? []   

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