snellspace : a perfect world spoiled by reality

Monday, March 11, 2002

I believe Cass has landed upon the exact reason why some of the best, most popular software projects are those designed and implemented by only a very small handful of dedicated developers (prime examples: PocketSOAP and SOAP::Lite).  As a team grows in size, the less capable it becomes at dynamic planning and dynamic resource allocation.  The smaller, less restricted the team, the better the product. 

10:07:21 PM    

5:48:03 PM    

Gnat (the editor for my SOAP book) has a blog.  Cool.
4:33:11 PM    


10:29:26 AM    

A picture of the World Trade Center, in its last minutes.

10:28:49 AM    

Steven Garrity makes a good point. With XML, search engines could glean better information from individual weblog posts. He proposes a new XML format just for weblogs.   [Scripting News]

I'd have to ask, why isn't RSS marked up with Dublin Core elements sufficient for this purpose? If not RSS, then something like the following would work just as well... (all the elements marked with dc: are from the Dublin Core set)

  <dc:Title>Snell's Blog</dc:Title>
  <dc:Creator>James Snell</dc:Creator>
  <dc:Subject>From my brain to yours</dc:Subject>
  <dc:Publisher>James Snell</dc:Publisher>
  <dc:Rights>Copyright © 2002, James Snell</dc:Rights>
  <item Id="1234567890">
    <content>This is the content of my post</content>
    <dc:Creator>James Snell (</dc:Creator>
    <dc:Rights>Copyright © 2002, James Snell</dc:Rights>

8:53:20 AM    

Copyright © 2002 James Snell.
Last update: 6/25/2002; 9:31:35 PM.
The views and opinions expressed on this site are solely those of the author, James Snell, and not necessarily of James' employer.