snellspace : a perfect world spoiled by reality

Friday, March 15, 2002

Dave: "If you want to get something done, there will always be people who say they know how to do it better."

If you want to get something done, there will always be at least 10 other people doing the same thing a different way who say their way is better.

This could also be known as the First Law of Standards Creation

10:32:40 AM    

Bob Sutor: "I'm attracted to the notion that we could develop a well-designed and elegant set of standards that can be plugged together in a variety of ways to solve a broad range of business problems"

Just thought of a new catchphrase: dynamic composability.

8:36:52 AM    

Copyright © 2002 James Snell.
Last update: 6/25/2002; 9:31:39 PM.
The views and opinions expressed on this site are solely those of the author, James Snell, and not necessarily of James' employer.