BitWorking: "I have to admit that I am impressed with the design of C#. " Have you looked at Java recently? ":-)" [Snell's Blog] Why, has the design on the Java language changed recently ? [Simon Fell]
Lol, no, but the similarities between the two are simply amazing Honestly, having been a Visual Basic developer for so many years (~8+ years), C# and .NET in general is such a huge improvement over the crap MS platform developers had to deal with before. And C++ is a total !@#$% to write code in (IMHYOBO). I can name a half dozen projects I'd like to go back and completely redo based on the new platform. I also seriously like the fact that the compilers are now shipped as part of the SDK -- makes life much simpler for those of us who don't like to use IDE's.
(IMHYPIO == In My Humble Yet Overly Biased Opinion)
9:50:57 PM