CBS Marketwatch, 11/4/03: CenterBeam's New Rapid Implementation Methodology Increases Customer Savings and Productivity
SAN JOSE, Calif., Nov 4, 2003 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Today, CenterBeam announced a new implementation methodology dramatically accelerating the time customers receive the full benefit of CenterBeam's outsourced IT infrastructure service. In many cases, full implementation is completed in just a few weeks, and a core set of benefits can be realized in only a few days.
"Everyone in business today values speed, one of CenterBeam's core values, and our new implementation methodology shows how speed can drive increased savings and performance for our customers," said Kevin Francis, CenterBeam president and chief executive officer. "CenterBeam's customers are benefiting from our four years of continuous experience in migrating mid-size enterprises to a large enterprise-class IT infrastructure."
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Utility Computing, 11/3/03: IBM Takes On Demand Into The Cubicle
By Jim Wagner
Figuring its infrastructure model for business optimization would work just as well in the cubicle, IBM (Quote, Chart) retooled and launched Tuesday its newest utility computing offering -- Workplace on demand.
For months, The Armonk, N.Y., company has been conducting a marketing blitz on its new back-office services/software/hardware solution; code-named Project Symphony, it is nearing completion as a complete solution, though pieces of the solution are available for sale today.
Like the heat that you use or the water you drink, utility computing charges businesses for the IT services they use, when they have the need. IBM thinks they've got it to work for the infrastructure, now they want to see if they can make it work for the printers, PCs, faxes, copiers, PDAs and laptops used by corporate workers.
Computerworld, 11/3/03: CIOs Share the Blame
Opinion by Paul A. Strassmann
NOVEMBER 03, 2003 ( COMPUTERWORLD ) - A lively debate has been generated by the recent report "CyberInsecurity: The Cost of Monopoly," produced by, among other credible security experts, Daniel Geer, Charles P. Pfleeger and Bruce Schneier. The vulnerability of any monoculture -- the central theme of the report -- was noted here five years ago.
While the paper makes the case for Microsoft's culpability in magnifying security risks, that's only a partial explanation of the situation we're in. Something must be said about the conduct of IT managers who have ignored rising security threats.
Computerworld, 11/3/03: Survey of CIOs suggests wallets are opening
The results indicate a bounce in spending on telecom equipment
Story by Stephen Lawson
NOVEMBER 03, 2003 ( IDG NEWS SERVICE ) - Corporate investments in telecommunications equipment may be starting to bounce back on the strength of voice over IP ( VOIP), according to an October survey by CIO magazine.
In the latest installment of the monthly survey, 37.2% of top IT executives responding said they plan to increase their spending on telecommunications gear over the next 12 months, the highest percentage giving that answer since August 2001. Meanwhile, 17.4% said they expect to cut spending on telecommunications gear over the next 12 months and 43.8% expect to keep it the same.
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