C|net, 11/4/03: Microsoft to offer bounty on hackers
By Robert Lemos
Microsoft will announce on Wednesday that it will offer two $250,000 bounties for information that leads to the arrest of the people who released the MSBlast worm and the SoBig virus, CNET has learned.
The two programs attacked computers that run Microsoft's Windows operating system, causing havoc among companies and home users in August and September. The reward, confirmed by sources in both the security industry and in law enforcement, will be announced in a joint press conference with the FBI, the U.S. Secret Service and Interpol that's scheduled for 10 a.m. EST Wednesday.
Computerworld, 11/4/03: How role-based access control can provide security and business benefits
Opinion by Trey Guerin and Richard Lord, Network Security Consulting
NOVEMBER 04, 2003 ( COMPUTERWORLD ) - Protecting the network and ensuring the integrity of intellectual property rate high on the priority lists of most large organizations. In addition, more stringent privacy laws have imposed new levels of confidentiality on health care and insurance companies and financial institutions. As a result, identity management has become a critical component in ensuring information security and access control.
Computerworld, 11/4/03: BlackBerry comes of age
NOVEMBER 04, 2003 ( INFOWORLD ) - E-mail and text-messaging features are now built into virtually all cellular-equipped mobile devices. That reflects businesses' need to provide employees with both synchronous and asynchronous methods of communication. The granddaddy of all mobile messaging devices is the BlackBerry from Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM). The original hip-side messaging companion quickly became a status symbol -- then became part of the lives of all who carried it.
Microsoft, 11/4/03: Wireless Update Rollup Package for Windows XP is Available
Microsoft has released an update rollup package for Microsoft Windows XP that includes the hotfixes and updates that are described in the following list. This small, comprehensive rollup of updates is an easy mechanism for managing the rollout of Wireless fixes.
Microsoft Security Bulletin, 11/11/03: Office 2003 Critical Patch
Overview of the Office 2003 Critical Update
Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Office 2003. This update fixes a problem that occurs when you try to open or to save a Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 file, a Microsoft Office Word 2003 file, or a Microsoft Office Excel 2003 file that includes an OfficeArt shape that was previously modified and saved in an earlier version of Microsoft Office. When a PowerPoint 2003 file, a Word 2003 file, or a Excel 2003 file is opened in an earlier version of Office, empty "complex" properties may be introduced into the file and a bit may be changed in the file record that describes these properties. Earlier version of Office will ignore this bit value but when this bit value is detected in Office 2003, you may experience the following symptoms:
Microsoft Watch, 11/5/03: Microsoft Sets Its SMB Priorities
By Mary Jo Foley
Microsoft has heaped a lot on its small/mid-size business (SMB) plate for the next few years. Here's the to-do list.
The Microsoft Business Solutions (MBS) division has set itself an ambitious roadmap, running through calendar 2006. And company officials detailed a number of its upcoming milestones at its worldwide partner conference last month.
Much of MBS' work will involve stitching together products from Great Plains, Navision, FRx Software and bCentral — all of which are now under the MBS umbrella.
InternetNews.Com, 11/5/03: IT Spending Slump Turning Around, IDC
By Mark Berniker
For IT managers the multi-year slump in technology spending may be coming to end, that according to a new study from IDC.
IDC said it is seeing a significant increase in spending in the technology and telecommunications sectors.
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