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Wednesday, November 12, 2003


Computerworld, 11/10/03:  Outsourcing's Dirty Little Secret

Opinion by Bart Perkins

NOVEMBER 10, 2003 ( COMPUTERWORLD ) - Outsourcing is perceived as the silver bullet of the day, and many companies indeed benefit from it. But the dirty little secret of outsourcing has emerged: Everyone isn't happy.

By the end of the first year, more than 50% of the companies that have outsourced major IT functions are unhappy with their outsourcers, according to an informal survey of my clients. By the end of the second year, 70% are unhappy. Studies by DiamondCluster International Inc. and PA Consulting Group have also uncovered significant amounts of dissatisfaction with outsourcing deals.



C|net, 11/11/03:  Microsoft releases Windows, Office fixes

By Robert Lemos

Microsoft released three security updates for the Windows operating system and one update for Office, leaving many federal system administrators with no choice but to work on a U.S. national holiday.

The three Windows updates, announced Tuesday, are ranked as "critical," Microsoft's highest rating on the seriousness of security flaws. The updates fix at least eight security issues. The Office update--required for Office 97, 2000 and XP but not 2003--fixes two flaws in the popular productivity program.

[more], 11/11/03:  Microsoft Unwraps Systems Management Package

By Clint Boulton

Microsoft (Quote, Chart) has launched its Systems Management Server 2003 (SMS 2003) as the first piece of what the software giant promises will be a deep portfolio that helps corporations manage a range of information from data centers to their employees' mobile devices.

The Tuesday launch officially places Microsoft in direct competition with enterprise systems management vendors such as IBM, (Quote, Chart) Computer Associates (Quote, Chart) and BMC. (Quote, Chart)


11:01:50 AM    

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