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Tuesday, November 11, 2003


PRNewswire, 11/11/03:  CenterBeam Announces Immediate Availability of Server and Network Management Services

CenterBeam Applies Four Years of Experience, Backs Services with 'Total Satisfaction Guarantee'

SAN JOSE, Calif., Nov. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, CenterBeam announced it is offering two new standalone services, server management and network management, that CenterBeam includes in its complete IT infrastructure service.



eWeek, 11/10/03:  Tools Ease Path to Compliance

By John S. Mccright and Dennis Callaghan

IBM, Zantaz and ZipLip help IT obey the law.

With businesses facing a growing number of regulations surrounding the retention of and access to corporate data, myriad vendors are responding with software and services to help IT organizations comply.

IBM, Zantaz Inc. and ZipLip Inc. are each delivering technologies to aid companies in fulfilling the terms of such industry-specific directives as the emerging Basel II and more general Securities and Exchange Commission rules for the financial services industry, as well as more generalized laws, such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which applies to all U.S. public companies.


Utility Computing, 11/10/03:  Virtualization Comes to the Fore... Again

By Clint Boulton

As major systems vendors are lining up to declare utility computing strategies, smaller infrastructure providers are shaping their product portfolios around the current trend for rendering computing resources as pay-as-you-go options.

Palo Alto, Calif.-based VMware is one such concern who stands to benefit from the explosion in on-demand services, which help corporations cut back on the manpower they need to manage their data centers, and by extension, cut costs.



Microsoft Watch, 11/10/03:  Don't Shoot the (Windows) Messenger

By Mary Jo Foley

OK. We goofed. There are three different Microsoft products/technologies named "Messenger:" MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger and the Messenger Service. 


ZDNet, 11/11/03:  Experts question Windows patch policy

 By Patrick Gray

Microsoft will release a series of security patches after midnight tonight in line with its new policy of releasing patches on a monthly schedule.

Industry sources anticipate the disclosure of multiple vulnerabilities in the Windows operating system.

Microsoft announced its shift to a monthly patching cycle as a part of a new security initiative unveiled at its Worldwide Partner Conference in New Orleans last month. Microsoft said it was introducing the new schedule to ease the burden on systems administrators struggling with the frequency of security updates.

However security professionals have avoided giving Microsoft's policy shift the thumbs up, saying the effect is likely to be neutral. Co-founder and chief technology officer with U.S. based security company Neohapsis, Greg Shipley, told ZDNet Australia the new policy will actually make some things harder.



eWeek, 11/10/03:  HP to Acquire Persist

By Evan Koblentz

Hewlett-Packard Co. will announce the acquisition of e-mail archiving startup Persist Technologies Inc. Tuesday, sources close to both companies said.

Persist, of Pleasanton, Calif., makes object-based software called AppStor. HP is already a reseller of the technology, which is due for a wide-area version this winter, officials said in July.

Officials of HP, in Palo Alto, Calif. declined to comment.



The Wall Street Journal, 11/11/03:  Technology Has Us So Plugged Into Data, We Have Turned Off


A new plague of inattention is spreading. It's called "surfer's voice" -- a habit of half-heartedly talking to someone on the telephone while simultaneously surfing the Web, reading e-mails, or trading instant messages.

On one end of the phone is an annoyed colleague or family member discussing an important topic. On the other end, a party puts on a meager soundtrack of knowing participation: "OK ... uh-hum ... right ... OK." It is punctuated with surreptitious tapping of a keyboard.

The brainy people who study these things call this phenomenon "absent presence."


8:05:02 AM    

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