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Thursday, September 02, 2004

IT Management

Information Week, 9/1/04:  SMS 2003 getting tuned to distribute Dell patches

Microsoft’s high-end patch-management platform, Systems Management Server 2003, is capable of distributing non-Microsoft software patches, but it doesn’t do so with point-and-click ease. That will change sometime in the next few months when Microsoft and Dell make it possible to download and distribute Dell-issued software patches to Dell products using SMS 2003. Dell will be just the first of several IT vendors to make their software patches available via SMS 2003 in an “integrated” way, according to Microsoft group product manager Bill Anderson. The new capability should be ready before year’s end.



Computerworld, 8/30/04:  Organized Crime Invades Cyberspace

Once the work of vandals, viruses and other malware are now being launched by criminals looking for profits.  

News Story by Dan Verton

Antivirus researchers have uncovered a startling increase in organized virus- and worm-writing activity that they say is powering an underground economy specializing in identity theft and spam.

"The July outbreak of MyDoom.O was yet another reminder that spammers are now using sophisticated, blended threats that mix spam, viruses and denial-of-service attacks," according to Andrew Lochart, director of product marketing at Postini Inc., an e-mail security services provider in Redwood City, Calif. In July alone, Postini's customers reported more than 16 million directory harvest attacks, which are attempts by spammers to hijack a company's entire e-mail directory.



The Register, 9/2/04:  XP SP2 glitches to trip up one in 10 upgrades - report

By John Leyden

One in 10 corporate PC users will encounter difficulties in upgrading to Windows XP Service Pack 2, according to AssetMetrix. Smaller firms will be hit hardest by compatibility problems between their applications and the much anticipated update of Microsoft's flagship operating system, the Canadian asset management firm says.


cnet, 9/1/04:  PC makers: Look before taking SP2 leap

By Ina Fried

Although Microsoft has recommended consumers turn on Windows' Automatic Update feature to get Windows XP Service Pack 2, PC makers are reminding Windows XP users to do their homework before installing the security update.

Major computer makers recommend consumers install the update, but in many cases they also have a list of revised drivers and other software patches that should be installed before downloading and installing the operating system update.

For example, Dell notes that owners of Inspiron 9100 or XPS laptops with certain ATI graphics cards should update their drivers, as should those with an internal Bluetooth wireless card.



Wired News, 9/2/04:  Is That Jobs in Your Pocket? 

By Leander Kahney

While Steve Jobs is out of action convalescing from a cancer operation, a 12-inch, plastic facsimile of the Apple CEO is up and about evangelizing the Mac.

Jobs' surrogate is the mini iLeader, a GI Joe doll dressed up to look like the famous CEO.

For the past 18 months, the mini iLeader has winged his way across the United States and visited several countries overseas as an emissary for the Mac community.

Clad in a mini black turtleneck and mini blue jeans, the mini iLeader even carries a mini water bottle -- a frequent prop at Jobs' keynotes.


2600, 9/1/04:  2600 Editor Emmanuel Goldstein Among 900+ Arrested at Anti-RNC Protests

Posted 1 Sep 2004 05:42:59 UTC

We've received word that Emmanuel Goldstein, the founder and editor of 2600, was among the hundreds of people arrested at the demonstrations against the Republican National Convention in New York City.

The march which Emmanuel was apparently trying to videotape ended at 16th Street near Union Square when the police surrounded the marchers and began arresting everyone in the area -- at least 150 people. Officers at the scene reported that the arrested will be charged with "parading without a permit," but reliable information will probably not be available until arraignments take place over the next day or two.



9:12:31 AM    

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