IT Services
C|net, 9/14/04: Help wanted by IT services firms
By Ed Frauenheim
Need a job? The growing technology services industry is hiring.
But services employers these days want more than the programming chops of unemployed software developers--they're looking for business smarts as well.
An actual job market for IT professionals is being reborn--but these days, tech skills alone may not get you in the door.
Bottom line:
Programmers looking for advancement--or just a job--may need training and experience in business. It's not as easy to get a well-paid gig just writing code while someone else handles the corporate issues.
This hiring profile is a change from the past, said Marianne Hedin, an analyst with researcher IDC. Services companies like Accenture and IBM used to be more content to hire tech specialists separately from business consultants, but now they're looking for broader skills and more versatile workers.
Tech Republic, 9/14/04: ePolicy Institute survey: Companies are dropping the ball on e-mail and IM
by John McCormick
The ePolicy Institute's 2004 Workplace E-mail and Instant Messaging Survey shows that many companies are putting themselves at risk because of their e-mail and instant messaging policies, or lack thereof.
The ePolicy Institute has released an interesting and somewhat scary survey of just how serious a problem e-mail management and instant messaging have become for businesses. We're going to look at what the ePolicy Institute's Workplace E-mail and Instant Messaging Survey revealed.
Compare their results to what’s happening in your company, and pay special attention to the growing use and threat from mishandling Instant Messaging.
The Register, 9/14/04: Virus writers add network sniffer to worm
By John Leyden
Virus writers have grafted a network sniffer into the latest variant of the SDBot worm series.
So far there are no reports of SDBot-UH in the wild but the inclusion of selective network sniffing along with keystroke logging features and other backdoor capabilities has security researchers worried.
eWeek, 9/14/04: Microsoft Patch Day: The Next Generation
By Larry Seltzer
Opinion: Welcome to the SP2 era. Will we have a bifurcated patch day? Will Microsoft be able to move any faster?
It's not really the first patch day of the Windows XP Service Pack 2 era. Last month's, Aug. 10, was a few days after the initial release of the massive security-focused update.
But the initial day was anticlimactic, yielding only a single Exchange Server issue, and for an old version at that. But now we're over a month since Microsoft finalized the "gold" SP2 code, and we may be about to see how they will handle patches in the post-SP2 era.
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