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Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Direct Marketing News, 9/7/04:  PointClear Gets CenterBeam on Right Calling Path

After shifting its focus to a new market, information technology services firm CenterBeam found it had to change its marketing services provider to turn prospects into qualified sales leads.

"Because we kind of went through this business shift a couple of years ago, it's kind of hard for me to compare before and after, but what I can tell you from a lead generation standpoint is that in the first half of this year our PointClear results netted out to 25 percent of our new customers, which equals 55 percent of our closed business," Burke said. "They brought in a lot of money."


Saint John Telegraph Journal, 9/6/04:  There's money in city heritage: expert

Developer has made millions renovating old buildings in Toronto


Michael Tippin bought his first heritage building in 1996 as a 28-year-old.

Today, just eight years later, the young Toronto-based real estate baron owns 14 buildings, worth an estimated $60 million.

Some Saint John developers are already getting in on the action. The most high-profile example is Heritage Place, the group of nine buildings that takes up a city block at the foot of King Street. Commercial Properties, an arm of the Irving group of companies, is having the structures renovated to accommodate high-end prospective businesses, starting with future tenant CenterBeam, an information technology company.




Business Week, 9/13/04:  Now Spam Is Being Outsourced

Spammers are flocking to Korea and China. Will governments take action?

Everyone knows that China and South Korea have become export powerhouses for everything from baseball gloves to semiconductors. But watch out, world: The Asian powers are fast becoming major exporters of an item you don't want to import -- Internet spam. In early September, Chinese officials were scheduled to hold an antispam summit in Beijing with top executives from some of America's biggest Net companies, including America Online Inc. (TWX ), eBay (EBAY ), Yahoo!, and Microsoft. With reason: More than 25% of the junk e-mail sent around the globe now originates from servers in China and South Korea. "It won't be long before China produces the same amount of spam as the U.S.," frets York Ma, chairman of the Hong Kong Internet Service Providers Assn.



Business Week, 9/13/04:  "Not Your Father's Silicon Valley"

Venture capitalist Roger McNamee says the area has survived the downturn well and its outfits have reemerged as leaders


There are smart tech investors, and then there's Roger McNamee, a man with a reputation for spotting tech trends before they happen. In the early 1980s, one of McNamee's first investments was ADP (ADP ), a small company that went on to become the gorilla of automated payroll processing. In 1999, he co-founded Silver Lake Partners, a leveraged-buyout firm that specializes in taking sickly tech outfits off the public markets and fixing them.

Q: What's your prognosis for Silicon Valley right now?

A: The outlook for Silicon Valley is terrific. The economic downturn had a brutal effect on the emerging technology centers in Austin, New York, Seattle, Atlanta, and Washington, D.C. Silicon Valley got banged up badly -- but has come back very strong. I think the Valley remains the world's preeminent entrepreneurial community, and its relative advantage is greater than it was at the peak of the bubble.


9:16:39 AM    

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