AppleScript Info

July 2002
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contact: rob at

 Tuesday, July 2, 2002
InterMapper v3.6.2b2

- InterMapper monitors servers, networks and Airports with pings, SNMP and probes and it includes the ability to launch scripts or other Macintosh programs to perform a function whenever a specific condition is detected. This version provides various bug fixes.
7:00:13 PM    

PowerTicker X v2.5

- PowerTicker is a specialized, scriptable Internet browser that gives you quick and easy access to the free stock market information provided by financial websites around the world. This release includes numerous changes. [release notes]


3:55:52 PM    

ScriptBuilders News

- Updates: Cal Shell 1.0.2, File & Folder Rename Suite 1.5
9:30:02 AM    

unScripted: Subroutines Revealed, Part I

- "While the benefits and purpose of subroutines are generally understood, the hows can be elusive since they are a technique that is more computer language than human language. While AppleScript does teach a Mac how to use a language both scripter and computer understand, scripters can use elements of native computer linguistics to make scripts more efficient and easier for both machine and scripter to read and understand. In this series, T.J. shares an unscripted interpretation of Shane Stanley's advice during the AppleScript Pro Sessions in Monterey that illuminated the hows of subroutines." []
5:54:01 AM    

OmniOutliner v2.1b1

- OmniOutliner is a scriptable application for OS X which outlines and organizes thoughts, tasks, projects and more. Among the changes: There are now two ways to access cell values (via AppleScript): "text" and "value".
5:50:42 AM    

MacAT v6.2

- MacAT is a Windows AT/UNIX cron task scheduling application for Macintosh server administrators. These scheduled tasks include launching applications, files and AppleScripts. This version includes various changes (listed at bottom of product page).
5:33:05 AM    

Virtual Composer v3.2

- Virtual Composer is a scriptable, graphical multichannel musical compiler, sequencer and analyzer which is designed for execution of complex polyphonic music using QuickTime's musical architecture. Changes include: New Apple event properties - resynchronization, arpeggios, ornaments, autoscroll. Apple event handlers will now look for the passed file type prior to operating on it.
5:21:09 AM