AppleScript Info

October 2002
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contact: rob at

 Tuesday, October 15, 2002
Archipelago 2.0 Released

- Archipelago, a GUI editor for web sites, has been released: “Utilizing the services built into UserLand Manila and Radio, and Blogger API and MetaWeblog API sites, Archipelago provides a simple writing environment that makes it easy and enjoyable to update your weblog.” It includes support for NetNewsWire’s drag formats. [via Mac Net Journal] From the product's web page, "Archipelago supports AppleEvents so that you can script various functions."
6:29:44 PM    

ScriptBuilders News

- Updates: Entourage Email Archive 2.1
5:34:03 PM    

Bug warning: Smile's do script and implicit string to file coercions

- The developer of Smile offers a warning about the possible impact of a recently discovered Jaguar bug.
3:43:12 PM    

Mac OS X to Get Journaling

- Elvis lives! OS X 10.2.2. I wonder if this file system will offer any advantages or disadvantages to scripters. [ via MacNN]
3:23:48 PM    

ScriptSaver 2.0

- ScriptSaver is a screensaver module which can execute any AppleScript when it activates. Use it to log out the current user, refresh a folder, empty the trash, launch an application, and more. Changes in this version: Rehashed configuration panel. Added support for running a screen saver inside ScriptSaver. [d/l]
2:49:51 PM    

iCalibrate 1.0

- iCalibrate, using the power of AppleScript, provides a user-friendly way to customize Apple's iCal by changing the text colors of any type of event for any of the themes.
2:45:04 PM    

Key Xing 2.2

- Key Xing is a Mac OS X program that allows you to launch programs, files, system actions, AppleScripts, and URLs from your keyboard. This version includes various new features and enhancements. [release notes on product page]
2:35:43 PM    

To: Anyone who publishes material related to the sniper in DC

- Please don't give the idiot (sniper) in Washington a title that feeds his/her ego. "The Beltway Sniper" is too glamorous. Refer to him/her with a title that is more fitting, and less likely to be bragged about in prison, such as "The Murdering Coward".
1:51:48 PM    

NetNewsWire Pro Progress Report

- Brent Simmons: "I started with the hard stuff first, some new UI programming. In various states of done-ness are weblog editing, AppleScript support, the notepad, and train-friendliness."
1:19:38 PM    

WebServicesCore, AppleScript and XML-RPC

- The author of Kung-Log notes changes which have been made in the forthcoming release of Kung-Log. He briefly explains why he has replaced all AppleScript XML-RPC calls with calls to the WebServicesCore API, the framework in Mac OS X Jaguar responsible for handling the WebServices support in Cocoa, Carbon and AppleScript.
1:09:55 PM    

Tuna 1.0.1

- Tuna is a simple OS X AppleScript that generates a php file with iTunes (v3.0.x) song info for server upload. Changes in this version: Can now (optionally, via a preference) show network and ftp errors in the Finder.
10:26:11 AM    

Build Keychain Info 1.0

- Build Keychain Info is an AppleScript Studio app that allows you to create keychain entries for mountpoints via AppleScript directly, without having to access the mount first. This can be useful for admins setting up a new user. Built and tested with OS X 10.2.x. [d/l]
12:10:28 AM