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                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:48:16 PM.



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Friday, April 30, 2004

- - U.S. Military, Inc.-The New Military Industrial Complex, The Active Opposition
- - Vanishing Votes, by Gregory Palast, The Nation
- - Two Voting Companies & Two Brothers Will Count 80% of U.S. Election, ecotalk.org
- - Kucinich Calls for Suspension of Electronic Voting, Kucinich Campaign
- - TrueMajority's "Computer Ate My Vote" Campaign, True Majority.org
- - Comparison of Senate Bills 1980, 1986, and 2045, Verified Voting.org

"The core of our American democracy is the right to vote. Implicit in that right is the notion that that vote be private, that vote be secure, and that vote be counted as it was intended when it was cast by the voter. And I think what we're encountering is a pivotal moment in our democracy where all of that is being called into question."
- - Kevin Shelley  (California Sec. of State)

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the 'military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."
- - President  and former General Dwight D. Eisenhower

1969 -- Vietnam: 543,000 US soldiers are in South Vietnam making war.
1970 -- US President Dick Nixon announces US & South Vietnam troops, supposedly seeking out a supreme Communist command post known as "COSVN," had invaded Cambodia. The rationale was a total fabrication, & even Mel Laird & Hank Kissinger went ballistic over this lie. 30,000 US troops & 40,000+ South Vietnamese troops are involved. This US action set the scene for Pol Pot to take over Cambodia. The announcement of secret U.S. bombing & invasion of previously neutral Cambodia prompts demonstrations at college campuses across U.S. Four days before Kent State, National Guard troops fire shotguns on protesters at Ohio State University in Columbus, injuring seven.
1975 --  North Vietnamese troops enter Saigon. Vietnam is reunited after 30 years of resistance to US domination & 100 years of French colonial misrule.  Washington extends embargo to all of Vietnam.
1996 -- 120 activists arrested over the next 8 days in Washington, D.C., in support of a White House fast by Sister Diana Ortiz who'd been kidnapped, tortured, & raped by US-trained & supported Guatemalan Army officers in 1989. She was fasting to demand that the US government release info on her assailants.

In his farewell address 43 years ago (excerpt above) President & former General Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of the potentially disastrous consequences to American liberty posed by an unchecked, all-powerful alliance of the military, elected officials & the defense industry. This week Link TV begins airing the latest installment of Peter Coyote's TV news magazine, "The Active Opposition" entitled, "U.S. Military, Inc. - The New Military Industrial Complex." It will examine the forces that are influencing our current military and foreign policies, and how the growing military budget is changing priorities for America at home. Link TV is available on Channel 375 on DIRECTV and Channel 9410 on DISH Network.  If you haven't been watching Link TV, you're missing some powerful programming.   For more info on The Active Opposition & Link TV, GO TO:

In the latest Nation Magazine, investigative Journalist Greg Palast, who broke open the story of how Jeb Bush & Kathleen Harris stole thousands of votes in the 2000 presidential election, delves deeper into that story, reporting how it wasn't just in Florida, and if we don't watch out, it will happen again in 2004.


Vanishing Votes
by Gregory Palast, The Nation, April 29, 2004
On October 29, 2002, George W. Bush signed the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). Hidden behind its apple-pie-and-motherhood name lies a nasty civil rights time bomb...  ... In the last presidential election, approximately 1 million black and other minorities voted, and their ballots were thrown away. And they will be tossed again in November 2004, efficiently, by computer--because HAVA and other bogus reform measures, stressing reform through complex computerization, do not address, and in fact worsen, the racial bias of the uncounted vote. One million votes will disappear in a puff of very black smoke. And when the smoke clears, the Bush clan will be warming their political careers in the light of the ballot bonfire. HAVA nice day.
Vanishing Votes

And speaking of election fraud, I'm sure most have heard about the potential for cheating posed by the electronic voting machines, but have you heard of Bob & Todd Urosevich. This is very scary stuff guys.  There must needs be action by all American citizens who value the idea that the U.S. is a democracy. To whatever extent it is, it's currently being threatened as never before. One way to fight this is to work for a huge voter turnout.

Two Voting Companies & Two Brothers Will Count 80% of U.S. Election
Using BOTH Scanners & Touchscreens
by Lynn Landes, ecotalk.org,  4/27/04
Voters can run, but they can't hide from these  guys. Meet the Urosevich brothers, Bob and Todd. Their respective companies,  Diebold and ES&S, will count (using BOTH computerized ballot  scanners and touchscreen machines) about 80% of all votes cast in the  upcoming U.S. presidential election.  Both ES&S and Diebold have been caught  installing uncertified software in their machines. Although there  is no known certification process that will protect against vote  rigging or technical failure, it is a requirement of most, if not all,  states.  And, according to author Bev Harris in her book,  Black Box Voting, "...one of the founders of the original ES&S  (software) system, Bob Urosevich, also oversaw development of the  original software now used by Diebold Election Systems."  Talk about putting  all our eggs in one very bogus, but brotherly basket...
MORE AT: http://www.ecotalk.org/UrosevichBrothers.htm

Rhino thinks, "What good could it possibly do to send our youth off round the world to kill & die for "democracy," while a gang of neo robber barons steals our government. Following are examples of 2 activists who are standing up & waging a fight. One is Congressman Dennis Kucinich, & the other, Ben Cohen. Both their web sites have an array of resources on black box voting.

Kucinich Calls for Suspension of Electronic Voting
Kucinich Campaign, APRIL 23, 2004
CLEVELAND - April 23 - Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, who has been sounding warning alarms regarding electronic voting systems since he began his campaign last year, today called on federal, state and local election officials "to suspend immediately the implementation of any voting systems that do not provide a 100 percent reliable paper-trail back-up to corroborate results."  A decision yesterday by the eight-member California Voting Systems and Procedures Panel that 15,000 electronic voting machines in four counties be banned in the November election because of "glitches" in the March primary election "is more than enough evidence that these systems could undermine the integrity and affect the results of November's general election," Kucinich said. Especially in terms of the Presidential election, Kucinich said, "we cannot entrust the future of our country to technologies that are flawed, suspect, and proven to have failed, especially when those technologies have been developed by companies that have their own political agendas."  Diebold Election Systems, which came under the harshest criticism from the California elections panel, is headed by Chief Executive Officer Walden O'Dell, who last year became active in the re-election effort of President Bush...
MORE: http://www.commondreams.org/news2004/0423-11.htm

Kucinich's website has extensive info & resources: http://www.kucinich.us/e-voting/intro.php

TrueMajority's "Computer Ate My Vote" Campaign
America's elections should be sterling examples of representative government. But the Florida fiasco in 2000 was just the opposite, an embarrassment to our country.  Unless we act now, we could see an even worse election disaster. After the disputed presidential election, Congress allocated billions of dollars through the Help Americans Vote Act (HAVA) to improve America's voting machines. Trouble is, many election officials are installing voting systems with touch screen computerized voting machines that are vulnerable to the same problems as other computer technology, including crashes, power-outages, viruses, and hacking. Simple question: has your computer ever crashed losing important data? Now apply that lesson to our democracy.

TrueMajority's "Computer Ate My Vote" campaign is about protecting the integrity of America's elections and avoiding a replay of the embarrassing Florida election fiasco in 2000. We're working with grassroots activists across the U.S., urging state election officials to prohibit the use of computerized voting machines until we know they are safe and have a way to run reliable recounts. Can you help?
FIND OUT HOW TO HELP AT: http://www.truemajority.org/voting.cfm

And for today's RHINO'S BOTTOM LINE, the horned one directs readers to the heavy hittingest website on fixing the 2004 election fraud threats; Verified Voting.org.   Everything you or your folks could want to know on the subject is posted or linked here. A great resource:     http://www.verifiedvoting.org

Just one of the links at Verified Voting provides  an in depth comparison of the 3 proposed federal legislations.

9:02:40 AM    comment

Comparison of Senate Bills 1980, 1986, and 2045

This document provides a comparison of the provisions of each of three currently-pending Senate bills:

Each of these bills would require that direct recording electronic (DRE) voting machines (such as touch-screen voting machines) must provide a voter-verified audit capacity...
IT'S ALL AT:  http://www.verifiedvoting.org/senate_bill_comparison.asp

"RHINO'S BLOG" is the responsibility of Gary Rhine. (rhino@kifaru.com)
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7:43:23 AM    comment

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