Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:49:45 PM.



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Saturday, June 12, 2004

"The Truth is what is.  What should be is a dirty lie."
 Lenny Bruce

June 12, 1982
-- In NY Central Park & LA Rose Bowl: hundreds of thousands sing Lennon's "Imagine".
Crowd estimated as large as 750,000 to two million, rallies in New York to support nuclear disarmament during UN Special Session on Disarmament; the largest anti-war demonstration in US history, part of massive worldwide protests against arms. A rally at Peace Arch Park, on the British Columbia/Washington border, draws 50,000. Among those in NY are several hundred members of Psychologists for Social Responsibility.
President Reagan opines that the Commies are behind it.
June 12, 1985 -- 1,756 people arrested in 150 cities over two days for protests against illegal American arming & financing of Nicaraguan Contras.
June 13th 1979 -- The U.S. Court of Claims awards The Lakota Nation $122.5 million for the US Government's theft of the Black Hills, South Dakota, in 1877. The Lakota refuses the award saying The Paha Sapa is not for sale. Don't know what to call them? Native Americans? American Indians? If you really want to be politically correct, just give the land back.

CARTOON TIP:  "Remembering Reagan"
Whadda ya get when you cross Ronald Reagan & James Dean?     "Rebel Without A Clue".
It's an old one, but seems appropriate. So does this weekend's cartoon pick entitled "Remembering Reagan" by award-winning cartoonist, KIRK whose "Street Cred" includes having been:
publicly denounced by a governor, officially condemned by a state university, personally admonished by a U.S. Senator, reviled in print by an archbishop, and vilified by police, business leaders, talk radio, the NRA and others. If there's anyone you'd like to piss off, consider subscribing to Kirk's cartoons today.
AT: http://www.kirktoons.com/cartoons.html

WEB SITE TIP:  "Diebold Variations"
A page containing 18 print ads which will never be used to promote the services of the electronic voting machine company, Diebold and which are no way no how affiliated with Diebold Inc. As the creator, Rand Careaga says in his disclaimer, "...the statements in the "ads" (let's call them parodies, which might let me off the hook for the appropriation of the Diebold name and chop under "fair use") are not necessarily representative of the opinions of Diebold's executives, shareholders or worker bees, no, not even in their dark malignant hearts, and did I mention that I hold the legal profession in the highest regard?..."
(c)2004 Rand Careaga/salamander.eps

A Thank You Dinner Honoring Dennis Kucinich
Sunday, June 13, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
WHERE: Tamarin Restaurant, 9162 W. Olympic Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA  90212
(South side of W. Olympic, West of Doheny)
Actress & Rhino's Blog reader Mimi Kennedy invites you to:  come thank - and talk to - the peace candidate who kept his promise to keep peace the issue despite all odds. Who is bringing it on home to the Democratic convention where our party and our nominee need him. ($100 per person)
RSVP TO JACKIE (Cleveland Office) 1.866.413.3664

RENTAL MOVIE TIP:  City of God (a k a Cidade De Deus)
Here's a powerful flick just released for rent & home vid.  Not one for the kids.
A scorching anecdotal history of gang warfare in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, "City of God" is narrated by Rocket (Alexandre Rodrigues), a young photographer who chronicles the deterioration of the housing project in which he grew up from a shantytown into a war zone. The movie, which begins in the 1960's and ends in the early 80's, parallels Rocket's story with the rise of his childhood playmate Li'l Ze (Leandro Firmino da Hora) from a petty thief into a ruthless, drug dealer and neighborhood kingpin commanding a small army of gun-toting children. The history is told in a loose, tall-tale style that suggests a quasi-cinema-verite version of Martin Scorsese's "GoodFellas." Rated: R (strong brutal violence, sexuality, drug content & language) 131 min) 2002, Brazil, Art/Foreign, Drama, Distributed by Miramax, Originally Released: 1/17/03, Reviewed by Stephen Holden, NY Times
City of God

Those who think the Rhino a too-left commie pinko hippie conspiracy fan may gain comfort learning that my rant Friday got me tossed off several left & proud of it list serves. More on my support for Kerry & the consequences thereof to come.  But for the weekend, as usual, some breaths of the lighter side.

Prolific mythology writer & Rhino's Blog reader, Phil Cousineau recently learned his latest work, "The Olympic Odyssey: Rekindling the True Spirit of the Great Games," has been selected by The U.S Olympic Committee to be given to all U.S. coaches & athletes competing in the 2004 summer games in Athens.

In spite of many people fearing the Olympics a likely terror target, accommodations In Athens during the games (August 17th through the 29th)  are nearly impossible to find.  If anyone has friends or relatives based in Athens, who would consider hosting the most prolific mythologist since Joe Campbell, (Cousineau also wrote Campbell's biography, "The Hero's Journey; Joseph Campbell on his Life and Work" ) please let the Rhino know at rhino@kifaru.com. Here's a blurb on the new book.

The Olympic Odyssey invokes the original spirit of the Olympics. Cousineau writes about the passionate display of excellence in mind, body, and soul all in one spectacular festival. Despite recent scandals, this ideal is as vital today as it was when the Games began nearly 3,000 years ago. Cousineau weaves together myths and fables with modern anecdotes to emphasize the transcendent element that uplifts athlete, trainer, and spectator alike. Themes include the philosopher coach, the festival dramas of ceremony and ritual, and the curious devotion of fans and fanatics--all in anticipation of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.
(Paperback Original; Quest 2003; ISBN 0835608336; $16.95)
MORE ON PHIL'S BODY OF WORK AT: http://www.philcousineau.net/work1.htm

Rhino thinks, "If actors can turn politicians why not rock stars?" If Sonny  could, why not Sting or Seal or Prince?

Ex-Midnight Oil Singer Runs for Office
by Jamie Tarabay, Associated Press,  June 10, 2004
SYDNEY, Australia - The former lead singer of the Australian rock band Midnight Oil announced Thursday that he will run for parliament with the opposition Labour Party - and party leaders said he could even become a government minister someday.  Peter Garrett, a committed environmental activist with a distinctive bald pate, had long used Midnight Oil as a forum for his political views. The band broke up in 2002 after 25 years...
MORE: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0610-04.htm

Rhino ponders, "Could anything Howard Stern does be considered holy work?" He's calling his shock jock campaign against the shrub a holy war.  At this point, me thinks any efforts to clear la casa blanca of the coup holy.
Getting Stern with Bush
It's hard to not see cosmic justice in the possibility that Howard Stern may prove to be Bush's undoing. If you haven't heard already, the decidedly anti-family values shock jock has launched what he calls a "jihad" against the president. But whatever your feelings for the man (likened alternately to Lenny Bruce and Charles Manson), he does pack a punch with a large and devoted following -- a following that could provide the difference in November...

Ray Charles passed this week; a man whose talent & generosity could never be shadowed by the gipper.
Ray Charles Online at: http://www.raycharles.com

8:11:23 AM    comment

Music legend Ray Charles dies at 73
Grammy-winning R&B star sang hits such as 'Georgia on My Mind'
AP, June 10, 2004

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - Ray Charles, a transcendent talent who erased musical boundaries between the sacred and the secular with hits such as "What'd I Say," "Georgia on My Mind" and "I Can't Stop Loving You," died Thursday. He was 73. Charles died of acute liver disease at his Beverly Hills home at 11:35 a.m., surrounded by family and friends, said spokesman Jerry Digney.

Blind by age 7 and an orphan at 15, the gifted pianist and saxophonist spent his life shattering any notion of musical categories and defying easy definition. One of the first artists to record the "blasphemous idea of taking gospel songs and putting the devil's words to them," as legendary producer Jerry Wexler once said, Charles' music spanned soul, rock 'n' roll, R&B, country, jazz, big band and blues. He put his stamp on it all with a deep, warm voice roughened by heartbreak from a hardscrabble childhood in the segregated South. Smiling and swaying behind the piano, grunts and moans peppering his songs, Charles' appeal spanned generations...

LOTS MORE AT: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/5182959

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6:57:06 AM    comment

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