Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:54:16 PM.



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Saturday, October 9, 2004


"God Bless America. Screw Everyone Else"
- - From Rhino's Weekend Website;  The DUBYA Coloring Book

October 9, 1940
-- John Lennon was born which would have made today his 64th Birthday, as in, "Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four?'  Want some ideas how to celebrate John's Birthday? Check out: http://www.ehow.com/how_13455_celebrate-john-lennons.html

October 10th, 1961
--  Joseph Heller novel "Catch-22" is published. There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.
"That's some catch, that Catch-22," he observed.
"It's the best there is," Doc Daneeka agreed.

By Brian Wilcox, Behemoth Press
A new coloring book from illustrator Brian Wilcox (Full Moon) introduces readers young and old to the playful world of America's President and Commander-in-Chief, George "Dubya" Bush. Dubya is a throwback to the children's books of yore - books starring G.I. Joe or the Incredible Hulk -- and it's just as cheaply-produced! Dubya celebrates the heroism of our President and his cabal…comrades, as they spread their nifty brand of freedom at home and abroad!   Just in time for the campaign season, (one in which dead-ender Northeast liberals attempt to snuff out America's honor), Dubya has 32 pages filled with pictures and games that'll help readers learn the truth about our President and his friends! Like….
Super Dick!
Play along as Dick Cheney defends his buddies, like Timmy Halliburton, Jimmy Bechtel, and Benny Root! Find out what happens when Dick battles the O.W.L Commander!
"You can't draw the undrawable," Donald Rumsfeld growled when we gave him a copy of Dubya. Ha! Inside, help Rummy "connect" with the French foreign minister! Or try and find Rummy in newly liberated Baghdad!
Religious Fundamentalists!
Radical Mohammedans and Righteous Crusaders - wussy liberals can't tell the difference, but you can. It's all fundamental!

Author Brian Wilcox, who appears to be some sort of immigrant, says Dubya is the best researched coloring book ever. "I wanted to do more than just go to protests, and vote," he says. Whatever that means!
Dubya is available for purchase in better bookstores, and on the web at:

WEEKEND TV TIP:  John Edwards on Meet The Press this Sunday

A proposed action circulating on the internet.
As an American, you have an obligation to support your presidential candidate (Bush or Kerry).
So, every day until Election Day, when you drive, show who you will vote for:
- If you support John Kerry, please drive with your headlights on during the day.
- If you support George W. Bush, please drive with your headlights off at night.

VP DEBATE INSIGHT:  Dick Cheney is the Joe Isuzu of American politics.
Remember Joe Isuzu was the liar character in Isuzu's TV ad campaign wherein he made exaggerated & often ridiculous claims about their cars while below him were the words "HE'S LYING".

Rhino's favorite question in Friday night's debate was to the Shrub, "Name 3 mistakes you've made as President & what you did to fix them."  The Rhino was shouting, "THREE?! "  This asshole has never admitted ONE mistake! It's against his religion!"  And did he name 3, or even 1?  Of course not.

The Sundance Channel has recently leaned political  in some very entertaining ways.  Below are some teasers & links including the date & time of their special broadcast of   The Vote for Change Final Concert in Washington DC.  Vote for Change is a multi-city, multi-artist swing-state tour taking place this month. Sundance will broadcast a documentary called "National Anthem"  which captures this pivotal moment in US history through informal footage of musicians (including Bruce Springsteen, Dixie Chicks, and R.E.M) and their audiences in intimate moments from the tour. The documentary will be followed by a live broadcast of the final "Vote for Change" concert in Washington D.C. on October 11th.

"The Al Franken Show"
Broadcast every weeknight on The Sundance Channel at 11:30 pm -- is a one-hour edited-for-television version of Al's radio show on Air America. Tune in as Mr. Franken makes short work of today's headlines and welcomes a who's who of today's political world.
MORE: http://www.sundancechannel.com/al

In 1988, filmmaker Robert Altman and writer/cartoonist Garry Trudeau joined forces to create a documentary-styled TV series on the presidential election. Rather than cover the politics from afar, they cast Michael Murphy to play a presidential hopeful, Jack Tanner, and shot his journey right along side such "real" politicos as Bob Dole, Bruce Babbitt and Pat Robertson. The series was critically applauded and won Altman an Emmy Award for Best Director.  Flash forward to 2004. Altman and Trudeau join forces again to bring Tanner back, along with his daughter Alex (Cynthia Nixon of Sex & The City), who has grown up to become a documentary filmmaker. What has happened in those 16 years? How have Jack Tanner, his daughter, and the rest of their campaign team changed with the times? TANNER ON TANNER is a four-part series following the new adventures of Tanner, as his daughter tries to make an important film, her dad tries to stay out of politics, and they all end up on the floor of the 2004 Democratic convention.
MORE: http://www.sundancechannel.com/feature

Albert Maysles and D A Pennebaker Document the "Change" on October 11 at 6:30pm
Albert Maysles and D.A. Pennebaker have long been considered two of America's most influential documentary filmmakers. In the early 60s, Maysles and Pennebaker were part of documentary movement called direct cinema, which used the new technology of portable cameras to capture life as it unfolded. This technique proved essential in capturing America's burgeoning counter culture, especially as it related to music. In 1967, D.A. Pennebaker shadowed a relatively unknown folk singer by the name of Bob Dylan during a three week concert tour of England for his documentary DON'T LOOK BACK. Three years later, in GIMME SHELTER, Albert Maysles and his late brother David captured the violent reality of the Rolling Stones ill-fated concert at Altamont Speedway.  In the tradition of these legendary works, Maysles and Pennebaker unite to take America's social pulse with a new documentary project, "National Anthem: Inside the Vote for Change Concert Tour." This film marks their first collaboration in forty years. Conceived by a loose coalition of musicians six months ago, "Vote for Change" is a multi-city, multi-artist swing-state tour taking place in early October. The "National Anthem" special captures this pivotal moment in US history through informal footage of musicians (including Bruce Springsteen, Dixie Chicks, and R.E.M) and their audiences in intimate moments from the tour. The documentary will be followed by a live broadcast of the final "Vote for Change" concert in Washington D.C.

"Vote for Change" Musicians
Live from Washington D.C., the October 11 concert includes performances by:  Pearl Jam, Bruce Springsteen, R.E.M., Dave Matthews Band, Jurassic 5, Dixie Chicks, James Taylor,Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt, John Fogerty, Keb' Mo', John Mellencamp, Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds
MORE AT: http://www.sundancechannel.com/national_anthem

Vote for Change
The official website for the tour, organized by MoveOn PAC

8:27:12 AM    comment

Michigan Republican Party Calls For Michael Moore's Arrest
by Michael Moore, michaelmoore.com, 10/6/04

You may have heard by now that the Michigan Republican Party has called for my arrest. That's right. They literally want me brought up on charges -- and hope that I'm locked up. No, I'm not kidding. The Republican Party, yesterday, filed a criminal complaint with the prosecutors in each of the counties where I spoke last week in Michigan. My crime? Clean underwear for anyone who will vote in the upcoming election.

Each night on our 60-city "Slacker Uprising Tour" through the 20 battleground states, I've been registering hundreds (and on some nights, thousands) of voters at my arena and stadium events. I then ask for everyone over 23 who has never voted (or didn't vote in the last election) to stand up. I tell these slackers that I understand and respect why they think politicians are not worth the bother. I tell them that I may have been the original slacker, and that I do not want them to change their slacker ways. Keep sleeping 'til noon! Keep drinking beer! Stay on the sofa and watch as much TV as possible! But, please, just for me, on 11/2, I want you to leave the house and give voting a try -- just this once. The stakes this time are just too high. If they promise me that they'll do this, I give the guys a 3-pack of new Fruit of the Loom underwear, and the women get a day's supply of Ramen noodles, the sustenance of slackers everywhere.

I then close by having them repeat the 2004 Slacker Oath: "Pick nose! Pick butt! Pick Kerry." It seems to have worked, as each night the volunteer tables are swamped afterwards with hundreds of new and young voters signing up to campaign for regime change for the next four weeks. The satire of all this seems to have been lost on the Republicans. Or maybe it hasn't. The state of Michigan (where we spent most of last week) reported that over 100,000 young people recently registered to vote, a record that no one saw coming. The Slacker Tour has turned into a huge steamroller with a momentum all its own. So, the Republican Party, to show their gratitude that so many young people will now be involved in our system, has demanded that I be sent to jail for trying to "bribe" students to vote...

MORE AT:   Michael Moore.com http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/message/index.php?messageDate 04-10-06

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http://www.kifaru.com  (Native American Relations Video Documentaries)

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6:56:07 AM    comment

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