Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:54:50 PM.



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Friday, October 29, 2004

- Twelve Ways Bush is Now Stealing the Ohio Vote, Columbus Free Press
- 'Frightened to Death' of Bush, Former U.S. Senator Marlow W. Cook (Republican / KY)

"If I knew then what I know now about what kind of situation we would be in, I would have opposed the war."
- - William F. Buckley Jr.

"This administration cannot be trusted to govern if it cannot be counted on to think and having thought, to have second thoughts."
- - George F. Will

"Our government is borrowing a billion dollars a day. They are now borrowing from the government pension program, for apparently they have gotten as much out of the Social Security Trust as it can take. Our House and Senate announce weekly grants for every kind of favorite local programs to save legislative seats, and it's all borrowed money... Those of you who are fiscal conservatives and abhor our staggering debt, tell your conservative friends, "Vote for Kerry," because without Bush to control the Congress, the first thing lawmakers will demand Kerry do is balance the budget. "
- - Former U.S. Senator Marlow W. Cook (R/KY), From today's Bottom Line & Featured Republican

TV TIP: The Nation on Charlie Rose Show on PBS, October 29
Featuring Katrina vanden Heuvel, Katha Pollitt and Jonathan Schell

KNOW YOUR HISTORY - October 29th
-- Pandemonium on Wall Street as stocks crash. American securities lose 26 billion dollars in value.
1979 -- "Up Against The Wall Street Journal" direct actions disrupt New York Stock Exchange & financial district on the 50th Anniversary of the stock market crash of 1929. Over 1,000 arrested.
1992 -- A high-ranking Russian official says a review of newly opened archives clears Alger Hiss of accusations that he ever spied for the Soviet Union. Whittaker Chambers accused Hiss of being a spy. Hiss denied the charges & sued for slander. With no proof, but under pressure from right-wing whackos seeking to blame someone for all America's ills, Hiss was indicted & convicted for perjury. Hiss claimed he didn't know Chambers, a former communist fanatic who became, fittingly, reverse-mirror, a right-wing Cold Warrior & edited the Republican mouthpiece, "Time" magazine. Hiss got 5 years, paroled in 1954, still maintaining his innocence. Dick Nixon used Red-baiting publicity to catapult his odious career to the White House. (See Halberstam's "The Fifties").

Below find a list of Rhino's Voting Tips. Spread them round. Never been a more important time to vote! Never been a more important time to be sure your vote is counted. Watch for an amazing amount of new voters, the result of many dedicated volunteer registrars & the sheer importance of this election. Watch for voter fraud efforts by RNC operatives already happening in Florida, Ohio &elsewhere.

In California we have 16 ballot propositions.
I'll soon be sending out a "Rhino's California Voter Tips email."
If you're not voting in California, please delete with my apologies.

Twelve Ways Bush is Now Stealing the Ohio Vote
by Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman, Columbus Free Press, October 27, 2004
The Republican "November Surprise" to steal the 2004 election is in full force here in Ohio. With polls showing a dead heat, the GOP is staging an all-out attack on a fair vote count in the Buckeye State.
Here are a dozen ways they're doing it:...


Call Swing State Voters On Your Sched
TrueMajority has set up a way you can make calls to swing state voters from now through Tuesday on your own time schedule. You simply register with their VoterCall ( http://www.kintera.org/TR.asp?ID=M6598337430872949683155 ) system, you'll get some names & numbers to call. You'll get a simple script asking new voters if they know where to vote & if they need any help getting to the polls on Election Day. If they do, True Majority passes their names on to a group in their community who'll work to get them the help they need. While you're on the phone with a possible first-time voter, you can take a moment to share why this election is so important to you and really urge him or her to vote. This person-to-person contact is really effective in turning out new voters, and you can do it from home when it's convenient for you. To learn more and to register for making calls, just click this link:

The VoterCall system is supported by civicactions.com, whom you can reach at info@civicactions.com or by calling (510) 684-3180 if you have any problems that their helpful "frequently asked questions" page at http://www.votercall.org/faqs.htm does not answer.

(o/) Bring a picture ID
. Many states have new identification requirements this year, so play it safe by bringing your drivers license or other official ID if at all possible.
(o/) Go to the correct polling place. Many polling places have changed since the last election, and in some states, your provisional ballot will not be counted if you go to the wrong polling place. So check your polling place ahead of time by calling your local election office or reviewing your sample ballot. ( http://yourvotematters.workingassets.com/ctt.asp?uv1071&lH967 )
(o/) If you are in line before the polls close you have the right to vote-- no matter how long it takes.
(o/) Check your ballot before you leave the polling booth. If anything is wrong, get a poll official to fix it immediately. There are reports of early voters at polling locations voting straight Democratic & upon doing a final check, finding all the correct Democratic choices except a vote for bush/cheney. No joke folks. Situational awareness is called for here.
(o/) Report Voting Emergencies to the Election Protection Hotline
- See efforts at polling places to discourage or prevent people from voting.
- Encounter any irregularities displayed on your final ballot.
- Are treated unfairly in any way at the polls.

Call The Election Protection Hotline AT:
Toll Free (866)-OUR VOTE (687-8683)
OR (202) 223-6607

The Election Protection Coalition is a group formed to identify & quash any attempts to disenfranchise voters. Their 25,000 volunteers, including 5,000 lawyers are available to provide assistance to voters who upon calling the hot line will immediately be put in touch with volunteers in their local area. Among the groups included in the Election Protection Coalition are the People for the American Way Foundation, the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the League of Women Voters, the N.A.A.C.P., the American Civil Liberties Union and the Advancement Project, a civil rights advocacy group in Washington.

(o/) And remember everybody, this is Abstinence Week! Rhino sez, "No bush - No dick!

are by Marlow W. Cook, former Republican U.S. Senator from Kentucky (1968-1975) & former Jefferson County, Kentucky Judge (1962-1968). A real conservative's conservative.

8:38:53 AM    comment

'Frightened to Death' of Bush
By Marlow W. Cook, Louisville Kentucky Courier-Journal, 10/20/04

I shall cast my vote for John Kerry come Nov 2. I have been, and will continue to be, a Republican. But when we as a party send the wrong person to the White House, then it is our responsibility to send him home if our nation suffers as a result of his actions... First, let's talk about George Bush's moral standards. In 2000, to defeat Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. - a man who was shot down in Vietnam and imprisoned for over five years - they used Carl Rove's "East Texas special." They started the rumor that he was gay, saying he had spent too much time in the Hanoi Hilton. They said he was crazy. They said his wife was on drugs. Then, to top it off, they spread pictures of his adopted daughter, who was born in Bangladesh and thus dark skinned, to the sons and daughters of the Confederacy in rural South Carolina.

To show he was not just picking on Republicans, he went after Sen. Max Cleland from Georgia, a Democrat seeking re-election. Bush henchmen said he wasn't patriotic because Cleland did not agree 100 percent on how to handle homeland security. They published his picture along with Cuba's Castro, questioning Cleland's patriotism and commitment to America's security. Never mind that his Republican challenger was a Vietnam deferment case and Cleland, who had served in Vietnam, came home in a wheel chair having lost three limbs fighting for his country. Anyone who wants to win an election and control of the legislative body that badly has no moral character at all. We know his father got him in the Texas Air National Guard so he would not have to go to Vietnam. The religious right can have him with those moral standards. We also have Vice President Dick Cheney, who deferred his way out of Vietnam because, as he says, he "had more important things to do."

I have just turned 78. During my lifetime, we have sent 31,377,741 Americans to war, not including whatever will be the final figures for the Iraq fiasco. Of those, 502,722 died and 928,980 came home without legs, arms or what have you. Those wars were to defend freedom throughout the free world from communism, dictators and tyrants. Now Americans are the aggressors - we start the wars, we blow up all the infrastructure in those countries, and then turn around and spend tax dollars denying our nation an excellent education system, medical and drug programs, and the list goes on... Lyndon Johnson said America could have guns and butter at the same time. This administration says you can have guns, butter and no taxes at the same time. God help us if we are not smart enough to know that is wrong, and we live by it to our peril...


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Feedback & requests to be added or deleted from the list are encouraged. (rhino@kifaru.com)
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Rhino's Other Web Sites:
http://www.dreamcatchers.org (Indigenous Assistance & Intercultural Dialog)
http://www.kifaru.com (Native American Relations Video Documentaries)

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All copyrights belong to original publisher.

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7:30:28 AM    comment

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