Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:54:18 PM.



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Friday, October 15, 2004

- Winona LaDuke Endorsement of John Kerry For President, Indian Country Today
- GOP Consulting Firm Investigated for Voter Fraud Claims, LA Times
- BOTTOM LINE: Lies Bush Told During Wednesday's Debate, Democrats.com

"I was proud of John Kerry when he called the $87 billion spent in Iraq a ''Halliburton Slush Fund.'' It is, and we need to recognize that. Now if we could only get Kerry to pledge to 25 percent development of the wind potential of Native communities during his first term in office we could really get excited. John Kerry provides promise for Native America and for America. His policy proposals involve vision - like alternative energy, more accessible health care, and finding all those children who have been ''left behind'' by the Bush administration. Heck, Kerry can even say ''sovereignty,'' which is a far cry from Bush's inability to pronounce the word."
- - Winona LaDuke (Anishinabeeg), Two time Green Vice Presidential Candidate

KNOW YOUR HISTORY - October 15th
-- US: Millions of Americans demonstrate against the Vietnam War in the first Vietnam Moratorium Peace Day held in the US. 100,000 Boston Common / 40,000 Bryant Park, Manhattan / 30,000 in candlelight march past White House, Wash D.C.: names of 45,000 Americans killed in Vietnam carried / 12,000 Chicago / Presidents of 79 colleges appeal to Nixon to step up withdrawal timetable / black armbands worn all over the US / 10 million involved throughout the US / John Lennon returns MBE to protest UK's involvement in the Nigerian war & its support of US in Vietnam.
1984 -- US: The Associated Press reports the existence of a CIA-prepared terrorist manual advising right wing Nicaraguan rebels how to blackmail unwilling citizens into supporting their cause, how to arrange the deaths of fellow rebels to create martyrs & how to kidnap & kill (or as the manual puts it, "neutralize") government officials. UnAmerican? Just a few bad apples? NOT!
1990 -- Mikhail Gorbachev receives Nobel Peace Prize for efforts to end Cold War, free the East Bloc & slow the arms race.

Today's RHINO'S BOTTOM LINE is a collection of lies that the shrub told the American public during the debate Wednesday night. These lies were compiled by Democrats.com along with the corresponding facts & links to back up those facts. Is George Dubya Bush a BIG FAT LIAR? You be the judge. Meanwhile the lump under his jacket, on his back, that was alleged to be a radio receiver in the 1st two debates was photographed again. Considering the overwhelming polls saying Kerry won all 3 debates, that bug in shrub's ear didn't seem to help him that much.

But 1st, two stories reporting new Republican attempts to steal the upcoming election, including a request for your urgent action to sign a petition, and...

EXTRA! EXTRA! 2 time Green Candidate for Vice-President, Winona LaDuke endorses Kerry Edwards!

Winona LaDuke Endorsement of John Kerry For President
Indian Country Today, 10/13/04
I am voting for John Kerry this November. I love this land, and I know that we need to make drastic changes in Washington if we are going to protect our land and our communities. I am committed to transforming the American democracy so that it is reflective of the diversity of this country. I believe in a multi-party system and a multi-racial democracy. I believe there are many opinions, not simply two, that merit a hearing on any issue. I believe we should be working harder to increase the numbers of people of color, women, and Native people elected to office because we are this country and we are what America looks like. I'm voting my conscience on Nov. 2; I'm voting for John Kerry...
MORE AT Indian Country Today:

GOP Consulting Firm Investigated for Voter Fraud Claims
Oregon opens criminal probe into charges that Democratic voter forms were thrown out.
By Ralph Vartabedian, LA Times, Oct 14, 2004
Oregon's attorney general opened a criminal investigation Wednesday into allegations that Democratic voter registration forms were destroyed or discarded by a political consulting firm working for the Republican National Committee. The allegations involve a voter registration drive conducted by Sproul & Associates, a Phoenix-based consulting organization that was hired by the RNC earlier this year and is headed up by the former executive director of the Arizona Republican Committee, Nathan Sproul. Sproul has become entangled in controversial allegations in at least three states where his company was conducting registration drives paid for by the RNC...
MORE: http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/asection/la-na-sproul14oct14,1,3532412.story

People for the American Way Urgent Action Needed To Stop Election Fraud
Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker today denied Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett's request for additional ballots for use on November 2. After receiving only 679,000 ballots -- less than the city was given in 2000 and 2002 -- Milwaukee's mayor, expecting major turnout in this election, asked the County Executive for more ballots. "No way," said the county, telling the Associated Press that election-fraud "'chaos' could occur at understaffed polling places where voters could grab ballots." There's strength in numbers - join me and sign the petition now! We need to put pressure on Scott Walker to give Milwaukee the ballots they need.
SIGN THE PETITION AT: http://www.pfaw.org/go/letmilwaukeevote

Please sign this Petition & pass this notice on to others. There are also other voter fraud reports at this site.

8:17:21 AM    comment


Lies Bush Told During Wednesday's Debate
Democrats.com, 10/14/04

BUSH LIE - 'As a result of ...ridding the Taliban out of Afghanistan, the Afghan people had elections...'
- The US has NOT rid Afghanistan of the Taliban. They are very much still in Afghanistan, and have posed a major threat both to the Afghanistan government and to the recent elections:

BUSH LIE - 'Gosh, I just don't think I ever said I'm not worried about Osama bin Laden. It's kind of one of those exaggerations.'
- Transcript of Bush press conference, March 13, 2003: Q: Mr. President, in your speeches now, you rarely talk or mention Osama bin Laden. Why is that? [...] BUSH: ... I don't know where he is. Nor -- you know, I just don't spend that much time on him really... I truly am not that concerned about him. "

BUSH LIE - 'Most of the tax cuts went to low- and middle-income '
- Tables of US tax data compiled by the Tax Policy Center shows that the smallest proportion or the tax cuts, in terms of after tax change in income, went to Americans making less than $75,000 per year, while the lions share went to those making over $500,000 per year.
Tax cuts

BUSH LIE - ''You've got more money in your pocket as a result of the tax relief we passed. A family of four making $40,000 received about $1,700 in tax relief.'
- Since 2001, because infation has risen faster than salaries, the average "spending power" income for American workers fell by 1.7%. So take off $680 per year for your family of 4's $40,000.

BUSH LIE -  'Vaccine manufacturers are worried about getting sued, and therefore they have backed off from providing this kind of vaccine.'
- Vaccine makers are protected from all vaccine lawsuits except those in which fraud and intentional wrongdoing are shown. ."Vaccine manufacturers and others are sheltered from product liability lawsuits by a special 1986 act of Congress. (See the US Code 42 USC 300aa for details.)

BUSH LIE - 'Three-quarters of Al Qaida leaders have been brought to justice.'
- The absence of any explanation [for this estimate] as well as the timing, prompted some counterterrorism experts to deride the figure as "meaningless" and predict the revision could fuel allegations that the administration is massaging terrorism data for political purposes.

BUSH LIE - 'Veterans are getting very good health care under my administration.'
- In an hour-long "Primetime Thursday" investigation, Diane Sawyer uncovers disturbing new information about quality of care and questionable management practices at some of America's veterans' hospitals.

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http://www.kifaru.com  (Native American Relations Video Documentaries)

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7:22:38 AM    comment

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