Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:54:48 PM.



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Saturday, October 23, 2004

THE CARTOON: Massachusetts Miracles

THE ANIMATION: Visualize Winning

THE WEB SITE: The Lie Girls
This is Hilarious! GOP Lie Girls Tell Republicans Just Want They Want to Hear. Not Safe for Work (it looks like a phone sex web site) Sexy Flag-waving, Bible thumping Babes are waiting for you to help them spread freedom...Right now! These girls pose a grave and gathering threat. Weapons of mass seduction, when church met state.

Q. What's the difference between the Vietnam War and the Iraq War?
A. George W. Bush had a plan to get out of the Vietnam War.

THE WARDROBE: Banana Republican
Dude, where's my car bomb? Can't find a weapon of mass destruction - or a thing to wear? Rest assured that no one will call for your resignation in these duds - Abu Ghraib 'em while they're hot!
- There are known unknowns grey tank top $27
- And there are known unknowns grey pants $45
- Listen to me, I know what I'm talking about glasses $75

October 23rd, 1915
-- 25,000 women, thinking themselves equal to men, march in NY City for voting rights.
October 23rd, 1951 -- NAACP pickets the Stork Club in support of Josephine Baker, who was refused admission a week ago. After a city-convened special committee calls Baker's charges unfounded, Thurgood Marshall calls the findings a "complete & shameless whitewash of the long-established & well-known discriminatory policies of the Stork Club."
October 23rd, 1956 -- First video recording on magnetic tape televised coast-to-coast.

October 24th 1868
-- Alexandra David-Neel is born in Paris. She's the 1st woman explorer of Tibet & its mysteries. Successively & simultaneously an anarchist, singer, feminist, explorer, writer, lecturer, photographer, buddhist, architect, mail artist, sanskrit grammarian & Centenarian. At age 55, Alexandra David-Neel was the first European woman to venture into Lhasa. Disguising herself as a pilgrim, this Frenchwoman journeyed into Tibet's "forbidden city" in 1932.
October 24th 1929 -- Wall Street Stock market Crash, harbinger of worldwide Great Depression of the 30s.
October 24th 1940 -- So-called 40-hour work week goes into effect under Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 - hah! Only took a few thousand demonstrations, decades of labor agitation & strife & a considerable number of lives to achieve such radicalism.
October 24th 1988 -- Convicted killer John Wayne Gacy objects to his name being used "to scare people into voting for George Bush" in a campaign flyer claiming Gacy would be eligible for weekend furloughs if he'd committed his 33 murders in Massachusetts.

The Rhino, as a now infamous Blogger, received the following email request for assistance, & decided that this call, & the corresponding documents posted at the web address cited, were for all the Rhino's readers eyes. Remember, not just anyone gets requests from, YES BUSH CAN.

Help Needed to Prove Embarrassing Bush/Cheney Docs are Fake
RatherGate proved that bloggers are the best fact checkers. That is why we are writing to a few bloggers asking for help. Yes Bush Can has collected several documents that are clearly suspect. But we need your help to prove they are fake. See them at:

Let's spring to action before these documents needlessly tarnish the reputation of our Commander and Chief. You know the drill: analyze the handwriting, search for factual errors, and post your discoveries.
And keep us posted by sending email to FakeDocs@yesbushcan.com.
Thanks in advance for your help.

GOP Sign Stealer Knocks Himself Unconscious
A Lakewood Republican stealing campaign signs late one night got nabbed when he ran across a low- hanging driveway chain, fell face first onto a pilfered sign and the concrete and knocked himself unconscious. Randal Wagner, 50, was loaded into an ambulance, treated at Lutheran Medical Center for abrasions and facial cuts and issued a summons. "I did a very stupid thing," Wagner said Monday, admitting theft of the signs. "I got caught up in the political passions of this highly contested election."

Ann Coulter attacked by pie-throwing protesters
J.D. Wallace, KOLD-TV, Tucson, Ariz.
As Coulter addressed a question about terrorism, she stopped mid-statement: "You take away the terrorism and liberals would hate…" at that Coulter gasped as she looked to her left, and began backing away from the podium. Two men ran by, on-stage, and each threw a pie a her. They were mobbed as they tried to exit the auditorium. "Could the Marines please find them?" Coulter asked aloud, speaking of some of the men in the audience. U of A police arrested the two men, one who was a student. Police said the men had tickets to get in, and hid the pies in a black attaché case. As if possible police charges weren't enough for the two suspects, the background scrim will have to be cleaned, possibly even replaced, and that could cost anywhere from three to four thousand dollars.
AT: Coulter Attacked

ABC Drops Miss America From TV Schedule
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. - ABC has dropped Miss America, leaving the famous beauty pageant without a TV outlet for the first time in 50 years. The network, which had carried the annual telecast since 1997 with a series of one-year contracts, notified Miss America Organization officials that they will not pick up the option this year, the pageant's acting president and CEO, Arthur McMaster, said Wednesday.... The move, which comes after the Sept. 18 pageant drew a record low 9.8 million viewers, could jeopardize the foundation of a program that grew from an Atlantic City publicity stunt into a highly rated TV staple, largely on the strength of the contest and crowning beamed into millions of living rooms each September.
AT: ABC Drops Miss America

Jon Stewart on his Crossfire Appearance
BUZZFLASH, October 21, 2004, Video by "I'm Just Sayin'"
BuzzFlash Note: Jon Stewart is funny. Very funny. The video below contains comments he made on The Daily Show on Monday night about his appearance on Crossfire on Friday, October 15, 2004.

Stewart tangles with Carlson
by Lisa de Moraes, The Washington Post
Jon Stewart and Tucker Carlson got into a brawl Friday when the faux newsman began to lecture CNN's Richie Rich about journalism on the cable news network's "Crossfire." Stewart, who set the tone by asking Carlson why he and Paul Begala argue so much on the show, noted that he made a "special effort" to come on the daily program, in which hosts representing the political left and right scream at each other. Stewart said he made this special effort because he has said so publicly, so often that "Crossfire" is very, very bad. "I felt that wasn't fair, and I should come here and tell you that it's not so much that it's bad, as it's hurting America," Stewart told Carlson and Begala. "So I wanted to come here today and say . . . stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop hurting America.
AT: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37042-2004Oct15.html

7:53:39 AM    comment

Lowering The Subtlety of Political Discourse

If you didn't know where "Celsius 41.11" was coming from you certainly get the picture when the filmmakers cut from an image juxtaposing Michael Moore with Hitler straight to an image of John Kerry and John Edwards. If the juxtaposition weren't so shameless, this composite triumvirate of Moore-Hitler-Kerry might be easy to laugh off. As it is, it's a depressing indicator of our political discourse and what passes as nonfiction film these days.

"Celsius 41.11" was made, according to a press release issued by Citizens United, the group that produced the film, "to refute the propaganda in Michael Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11.'" On a basic level, the film is simply another addition to the mini-industry of detractors that has sprung up around Mr. Moore and taken on a more feverish pitch since his most recent screen success
A didactic screed that has all the verve of a PowerPoint presentation and all the subtlety of a Homeland Security red alert, "Celsius 41.11" is finally interesting only because it represents another unconvincing effort on the part of conservatives to mount a viable critique of Mr. Moore....
MORE AT: http://movies2.nytimes.com/2004/10/22/movies/22CELS.html?8mu

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7:09:37 AM    comment

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