Updated: 7/18/2002; 5:57:06 AM. |
So many islands, so little time Living in Indonesia and learning to Weblog via Radio (along with many other very random thoughts and stories).
A weird thing about this posting problem I'm having is that my website refreshes really fast. I'm on a slow dial-up line in Indonesia. So it is pretty obvious when the browser is going out to the internet to get a new/refreshed page. Is IE just getting the cached page? Maybe I'll try and clear my cache. Here's another quote from the article: "'Unfortunately in many cases, fear is paralyzing Hollywood's ability to seize what I believe is an incredible opportunity,' said Steven P. Jobs, chief executive of Apple Computer. 'We at Apple believe most people want to be honest, and if offered reasonable choices, most people will choose to buy their content.'" "Is it the responsibility of the world at large to protect an industry whose business is facing a strategic challenge? Or is it up to the entertainment industry to adapt to a new technical reality and a new set of consumers who want to take advantage of it?" Go Andy! This is a quote from Andrew Grove, Chairman of Intel in response to Hollywoods complaints about the big tech companies not bowing to their demands to build copy protection into all hardware and software. The New York Times has the full article here. Well, my posts through this morning (7:46am) are finally showing up, but not the one after that and the one I just did. So now I'm going to try and update the Radio.root. Okay, I've uninstalled Radio and now have reinstalled. Let's see if it works. Testing again, but finally I'm getting help from Lawrence at Userland! Thanks Lawrence. Email4MyKids is a wonderful new service that is in beta. It solves a problem for me and my kids Here's why the author created the service. "My daughter recently celebrated her 8th birthday. Her online computer use is still fairly limited; I am not at all comfortable turning her loose on the Internet, where she would be virtually guaranteed to see content or meet people that I as Dad would object to. However, at her age she really would like to start participating in our virtual community. Her grandparents live at opposite points of the US; family friends are scattered across the country; she would love to meet new kids from abroad and discover other ways of life. Even sending Dad a note while he's working would be pretty cool. Email seemed like the best place to start. "