Updated: 7/18/2002; 5:57:08 AM. |
So many islands, so little time Living in Indonesia and learning to Weblog via Radio (along with many other very random thoughts and stories).
Weblogs & vacationOf course, this is a horrible time to try and start writing regularly. We are leaving on Sunday morning for Bali for one week. I'm sure Karen, my wife, will love me trying to update my weblog on our vacation. Well, it's not completely a vacation. I'll be attending some meetings while we're there. So, maybe.... Wish I had a weblog back in 1997I wish that weblogging existed in 1997, when we first moved to Indonesia. I've never been good a keeping a diary, but I think I could have done a much better job describing our new life to our friends via a weblog. We sent out a semi-regular email newsletter, but it was pretty erratic. The problem is, that you don't want to overload people with a bunch of emails, so you save things up to write one longer email. Then you procrastinate because you don't want to write the long email. With a weblog you can post little bits each day and it is up to everyone to determine how often they want to visit your site. So, now that we are back in Indonesia, I think that is what I will do.