Updated: 7/18/2002; 6:07:13 AM.

So many islands, so little time
Living in Indonesia and learning to Weblog via Radio (along with many other very random thoughts and stories).

daily link  Sunday, July 07, 2002

Vanity, vanity...

Finally, I'm number one when you search for Joe Friend on Google, but not listed in 99 pages of the 12,600,000 Joe's found on Google. Joe Jennet is at 394 and 780 or so. And yes, I really did click through 90+ pages of Joes. Yes, I do have too much time on my hands tonight.

6:55:55 PM  permalink   

Ins and outs of Wishlists

I saw a post on wishlists and why you should add one to your blog. Being the type of person who doesn't mind getting gifts from others (and already having a wishlist created on Amazon.com) I thought I'd add mine to my blog (which I've done). However, while perusing a friend's wishlist I found one thing about how Amazon.com runs their wishlists that I don't like. People can only buy you exactly what you put on your wishlist. So, if you want a copy of The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell and you put the $17 hardback version, then I can only buy you the hardback version. I can't buy you a $10 paperback and I can't buy you a $12 hardback or $8 paperback used copy. Well, maybe some folks would consider buying a used copy to be tacky, but hey a gifts a gift.

3:12:21 PM  permalink   
categories: Books

Disposable email addresses and spam

Matt Griffith points to Spamex as a potential solution to spam. Spamex let's you create disposable email addresses that you can use when filling out forms on websites, etc. I've been using http://www.mailshell.com , which is a similar service. From a cursory look at Spamex, I would say that Mailshell is more sophisticated and flexible, while possibly more confusing. It works for me.

2:40:58 PM  permalink   
categories: Expat Tech

Distributed task lists

"And, what was I doing up?  Working on internal productivity tools for next generation distributed task lists..." [FuzzyBlog]

I'm interested in seeing what Scott is up to. I'm putting together a team to work on web communities here in Indonesia and we need a tool like this to help coordinate work.

2:34:24 PM  permalink   

Honesty and blogging

This is a good piece from Scott about honesty in blogging. He trumpeded (sp?) his new deal with Paolo/evectors and I pretty quickly IMed him and reminded him about stability issues he had with Userland Radio. Well, he told me that, yes he has issues with Radio. However, he believes that Paolo and company are dealing with them. And Scott is right, everyone's got bugs. It isn't fair to beat up Dave & Co. too much for the same problem everyone has.

I'm glad that Scott dealt with this issue publicly. It reconfirms what I've come to believe about him, he's got high credibility.

10:26:15 AM  permalink   
categories: Radio Userland


This is cool stuff. You can get notified via MSN Messenger when your favorite weblogs get updated. I actually use it via the MSN module of Trillian.

6:44:21 AM  permalink   

If you wrote a blog...

A picture named if you wrote a blog.gif




6:23:50 AM  permalink   

I made Daypop, sorta

The page for Joe Jennet's radio randomizer webring is at the bottom of the Daypop Top list. That means I'm getting hits from Daypop, which is kinda cool. So far, three people have been redirected from Daypop to my site.

6:18:46 AM  permalink   

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Copyright 2002 © Joe Friend.
Last update: 7/18/2002; 6:07:13 AM.

Comments by: YACCS