Updated: 7/18/2002; 7:07:17 AM.

So many islands, so little time
Living in Indonesia and learning to Weblog via Radio (along with many other very random thoughts and stories).

daily link  Thursday, July 18, 2002


If all worked, then this post should be on my new site!

7:07:06 AM  permalink   
categories: Radio Userland

Switching to my new domain

I'm getting ready to move over to my new domain. If you wind up on this site http://radio.weblogs.com/0103361 and are wondering why it's stale, I've moved to http://joe.weblog.or.id . If all works out right, you'll be automatically redirected to my new site. At the suggestion of our man Lawrence, I've added a create a meta redirect that looks something like this:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=http://www.newsite.com/<%local (pta = html.getpagetableaddress ()); local (path = pta^.path); return (string.replace (path, ".txt", ".html"))%>">

You have to replace the &lt; strings with a <

Here's hoping this works!

4:09:37 AM  permalink   
categories: Radio Userland

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Copyright 2002 © Joe Friend.
Last update: 7/18/2002; 7:07:17 AM.

Comments by: YACCS