13 March 2003
Inquiry of school Net funding deepens. The U.S. House of Representatives wants detailed information about the $2.25 billion federal program subsidizing Internet access for schools and libraries. [CNET News.com]
11:11:49 PM  #   your two cents []
Cool! -- Megnut points to the official web site listing what the often-changing coloured lighting means that shines on the spire at the top of the Empire State Building! Of course, the spire will be green this Monday, the 17th... (note leprechaun on the website)...
10:21:41 PM  #   your two cents []
Intel gets its chopper out. "Funniest part of the London launch of Centrino, held at Vinopolis in London yesterday evening. Intel was demonstrating how the Wi-Fi wireless network would take over from a fixed connection if the fixed connection was disconnected. Instead of unplugging it, the demonstrator produced a meat cleaver and chopped straight through the CAT-5 cable. A tool-tip popped up for the Wi-Fi network and the streaming video kept on playing. It certainly woke up the first three rows...." [onlineblog.com]
10:10:22 PM  #   your two cents []
The Ice Box cometh!! IBM supercomputer heads north. Arctic center to use 800-processor box [InfoWorld: Top News]
10:08:04 PM  #   your two cents []
CeBit cleans up with new tech. The annual extravaganza in Germany this year features Media2Go and other software from Microsoft, Palm's OS 5 in phones and a talking washing machine. [CNET News.com]
10:07:26 PM  #   your two cents []
SAP chief Plattner to step down. After more than 30 years at the helm of SAP, Hasso Plattner plans to step aside as co-chief executive and co-chairman of the German software company. [CNET News.com]
9:53:41 PM  #   your two cents []
Conference pushes for open source in govt. Open source advocates to make pitch in Washington [InfoWorld: Top News]
9:41:29 AM  #   your two cents []
Flat-panel monitors to take market lead. Flat-panel monitors for desktop computers are expected to surpass traditional cathode ray tube monitors in revenue this year, a sea change for the display industry. [CNET News.com]
9:40:28 AM  #   your two cents []
Today's Specials: Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast. Congressman Bob Ney (R-Ohio) ordered the cafeterias in the House of Representative to remove the word "French" from all menus. Now being served: Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast. Link  [Boing Boing Blog]
9:38:53 AM  #   your two cents []
Snowflake crystal hi-res image gallery. At left, one of many images captured during a single snowfall by Patricia Rasmussen, using a photomicroscopy apparatus designed for capturing ultra-high-res snow crystal images. Link [Boing Boing Blog]
9:37:03 AM  #   your two cents []
Ogden Nash. "A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of." [Quotes of the Day]
9:35:30 AM  #   your two cents []
The myth of interference. Internet architect David Reed explains how bad science created the broadcast industry. [Salon.com]
9:34:33 AM  #   your two cents []
Bob Wells. "For every action there is an equal and opposite government program." [Quotes of the Day]
9:33:28 AM  #   your two cents []
Suspected piracy ringleader indicted. The suspected leader of one of the Internet's oldest piracy groups has been indicted and his extradition from Australia is being sought, a U.S. federal attorney says. [CNET News.com]
9:29:00 AM  #   your two cents []
OK, problems with my Apple Airport (well, problems with the way I get my DSL). I use a USB DSL modem. Airport assumes you use ethernet for DSL. Now what? There's no way to connect the modem to the base station. Waaaaaah! Any suggestions? That aside, the 12" G4 is truly a thing of beauty. As is the iPod. Today I will have more time to fiddle with both. I'd forgotten how quiet Apple laptops are -- you wouldn't even know the G4 is turned on!
9:27:51 AM  #   your two cents []