Announcing PDF for Lawyers - it is with great hope and little fanfare that I announce my new project: PDF for Lawyers. Right before the blog affliction took me I had been planning to write a book for lawyers on using PDF files. I never was able to write the book (too much blogging no doubt). Well, now that I understand how to use Radio better I have figured out how to host this at a different site and use Radio to post to it. So, that's it. If you are a lawyer interested in using Acrobat to make your office less paperful (going paperless is a dream) then tune in, drop comments, send me emails with tips and let's all learn more about using Adobe Acrobat. Oh, and of course it has an XML/RSS feed.
4:52:08 PM
Radio & News Aggregator commenting - Dave links to Evangelism and says "RSS 2.0 has a neat feature that allows an item to link to comments about that item. Content tools and aggregators can support this feature, allowing people to comment directly from the aggregator."
I like this feature, and I have used it to comment quickly from within the News Aggregator on other people's blogs who use the Radio comment system. I, however, have been using the Yaccs comment system up to now for a couple of reasons: (1) it lets me subscribe to my comments as an RSS feed, which is useful because I don't have any reason to go to my own site, and even if I did I would only see the main page. Sometimes people go to an old page and leave comments; and (2) Yaccs lets me delete comments, which I do usually if someone messes up and simply comments twice (which happens if you click twice before the system 'catches up'), or on the rare occasion (only happened once) when someone somehow left a pornographic picture in there. Otherwise, I let the First Amendment be my guide.
That said, I like the feature of being able to comment from within the aggregator and if the RSS 2.0 thing works in all aggregators then it's a wonderful thing. But what about the other features that I like in Yaccs? Can the new Radio comment system do that?
If you want to be updated on practical legal information then bookmark this site - beSpacific is your one-stop source. Well, okay it doesn't have everything, but it is an amazing resource. Check it out.
10:27:19 AM
Sugar Mr. Poons? - is the title of a blog by law student Tobias James Stern, which features the random ramblings of a moderately liberal law student. Thankfully, it has an RSS/XML feed.
10:16:44 AM