The changing legal profession - Jerry Lawson had some interesting thoughts about a year ago. Well, they were written about a year ago. They are still interesting, especially for the solo and small-firm practitioners. And Jerry references Richard Susskind, who is IMHO a very important observer of where the legal profession is headed.
7:13:01 PM
Dave Barry's blog - I've been meaning to point to this. I think it's great that he's getting help from Ken Layne. Ken's site is a daily read for me.
1:51:13 PM
What's wrong with our software? - Jaron Lanier has some thoughts. I had a chance to hear him speak at Poptech this year, and I was impressed. Anyone that can tie together thoughts about cuddlefish and Alan Turing deserves attention. Here is an excerpt:
[These days it's] so hard to write large software applications. And that's strange to me. If you look at other things that people build, like oil refineries, or commercial aircraft, we can deal with complexity much more effectively than we can with software. The problem with software is that we've never learned how to control the side effects of choices, which we call bugs. We shouldn't be complacent about that.