Updated: 7/12/02; 1:45:07 AM.
The Daily Blog
Network Computing Site News and Stuff

Monday, June 24, 2002

Many, many folks are linking to VisiCalc creator Dan Bricklin's story, Small Players Matter.

I'm certainly not one to buck a trend, so here's my favorite quote Dan quote.

While large players and big media companies act like they are the main reason for the web and Internet and therefore should drive policy decisions, in actuality they are just "the biggest of the many small players" that make up the Internet...The numbers show that the contributions of the myriad of small players -- individuals, non-profits, and small businesses -- are crucial to the vitality of the web and its value to people.

Just what are these numbers? Dan has looked through a vast number of search engines/tools and noted how little search terms like "Britney Spears" and "sex" count toward the whole, for example:

Britney Spears (2,600K queries in April) is part of queries only 100 or so times more than the general term "Toronto Hotel" (23K) .
I think we're actually seeing the "forest for trees" scenario playing out here. Congrats Dan!

Posted by Brad Shimmin at 4:24:03 PM   comment on this post  >>[]

There's a great article on Kuro5hin about Microsoft's .NET. No, it's not another "just what the hell is this thing anyway" sort of story. It actually asks a very important, Quine-like question, "Why was .NET created, and what does Microsoft hope to get out of it?" The obvious answer is:

"Microsoft's vision is that if all the applications offer Web Service access then they are easy to plug together, and the obvious vendor to supply the plumbing is Microsoft."

Ah but to do that, MS will need to become an integrator and convince Enterprise Application Integration market leaders like SAP, Siebel and PeopleSoft to support/adopt its .NET technologies -- a pretty tall order for any company.

Posted by Brad Shimmin at 1:35:00 PM   comment on this post  >>[]

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