Updated: 8/1/2002; 9:25:29 AM.
Blogging Alone
Stephen Dulaney's Radio Weblog

Tuesday, July 02, 2002

"Social capital resources include trust, norms, and networks of association representing any group which gathers consistently for a common purpose."

Meltdowns at Enron and WorldCom. Yesterday a board revolt at Vivendi, a media company, and the CEO is toast. What happens when one of the owners of one of the major TV networks becomes the target of a business scandal. Viacom, Disney, GE, AOL. Who will be first to go down? But will the reporters go there? Heh. Why is everyone so surprised. Didn't they know that BigCo's have no integrity or ethics. Where were they for the last ten years? We all didn't care too much as long as the stock prices were going up. Sure they're lying everyone knew they were. So what's new. Just as blogs are the cure for integrity outages at the BigPubs, LittleCo's will be our haven from the excesses of the idiots who run the BigCo's. Microbusinesses and microcontent. Hey it's cool that people seem to require integrity of their business leaders. How are the current crop going to compete. They didn't teach integrity at b-school. [Scripting News]

2:54:52 PM    comment []

Blogging Alone today I'm thinking of some projects that could demonstrate the value of the blogspace social network and the social capitol contained inside. At this time I don't have any clear projects in mind. For today, I take the meaning of Social Capitol to be the ability to utilize social network connections to generate cooperation amongst and between individuals connected by the network to identify and solve problems. These solutions enhance the social welfare function of the entire network and in doing so improve the household utility of the individuals.

Coleman describes it as "the structure of relations between actors and among actors" that encourages productive activities. These aspects of social structure and organization act as resources for individuals to use to realize their personal interests. Local institutions are effective because "they permit us to carry on our daily lives with a minimum of repetition and costly negotiation" (Bromley, 1993).

Blogging extends far beyond news. It is about Knowledge Bazaar trading in information to develop and extend tool kits aka "frameworks" or strategies for solving problems in daily life.  The news is more about the search function in locating what problems need to be addressed today. The network allows for a much more rapid evaluation of available options are available and which strategy to utilize in order to maximize the benefits you gain from the transaction.

The cooperative efforts and contributions to the software itself are somewhat of a recursive call to extend the software framework so that we can enhance and extend our reach and ability to know what we think about the problems we come across in our daily lives.

Maybe we work to get Radio to interop with Dave's Ipod?

12:06:32 PM    comment []

© Copyright 2002 Stephen Dulaney.
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