Updated: 8/1/2002; 9:25:31 AM.
Blogging Alone
Stephen Dulaney's Radio Weblog

Thursday, July 11, 2002

Hugh's ramblings reflect my thinking about what is a blog. My mental model is changing ofcourse just like most internet mental models. There are longitudinal changes as I try to make sence of where this fits in my life and why should I care. I'm starting to use the blog like a work in progress. It is topical not autobiographical because this blog like a groove workspace was created to meet an information need that became so accute that I decided that blogging alone was the best option above all others to solve it.

Trying to understand changes in the economics taking place and developing a framework to measure the stocks and flows in well connected pier to pier social networks is the goal and by method acting in a sence I am able to learn more and convert the information the sence making into a model that I can articulate.

Blogging alone is about understanding the value of the connected members of a network. The reason team is better than individuals and doing so by examingin the macro and micro aspects in succession. Groove is a natural fit and very private and secure so I am able to leverage cooperation rapidly because of the high amount of trust in the actors.

Bloggins alone I have no similar trust since reputation in Blog space is mediated or distributed by trusted athourities like Dave and Jon who have a more recoginizable place in the social structure and thus represent a part of the network that contains high levels of social capitol.

Getting credit for your contributions is central and in bloggspace it takes time and dave through his percistance has been doing this for six or more years that I remember making him part of my dailey browse.

got to run more later

11:53:33 AM    comment []

The open source method demonstrates the power of social capitol in the internet. I've been working on a framework to measure the Stock or amount of Social Capitol in a community such as Radio Bloggers or just bloggers. The rules or factors that drive success in the networked gift economics that is opensource are different from the old information scarce rules of Intilectual Property dominated economics. We all have access to the same or simillar information so we gain by givving it away faster and more freely.

The social norms in the internet are interesting the freedom principle that founded the internet have real residues that to this day live on. Why should a few at the top accumulate the wealth or capitol resdues of the many. We should all get credit for our contribution and creativity. The system can change and now that we have discovered some shanagans at by big co's the money is looking for a safer place or looking for a hill to go down.

These are fundamental laws of nature being manifest in the larger macroeconomic scales.

SJ Mercury: Control freaks tightening their grip on the Internet. Dan Gillmor. Lawrence Lessig, a Stanford law professor and author of several important books on our technology-influenced future, was the program's pessimist. He's been jetting around the world for several years, warning of what's coming. And what's coming, he keeps saying, is a victory of the control freaks. [Tomalak's Realm]

We operate under markets, norms, laws and -- crucially -- architecture. The latter, key to one of Lessig's signature notions, is that the way people build computers and software is, itself, creating law -- because it determines limits on how we use technology.

11:23:37 AM    comment []

Its about time. I've been wanting the UPnP wave to break for some time now. With the maket in the dumps and with 2.8 trillion less dollars out their to fund inovation I've been having to learn to be patient.

Microsoft to sell home networking hardware. Will offer line of consumer Wi-Fi hardware later this year [InfoWorld: Top News]

11:08:10 AM    comment []

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