Updated: 8/1/2002; 9:25:33 AM.
Blogging Alone
Stephen Dulaney's Radio Weblog

Monday, July 22, 2002

Titles and Link Discovered

Go read this later and cross refrence with the google a two way street article by jon udell.

Interesting thread on Ben Hammersley's syndication weblog. A competitor takes issue with a feature of Radio, we let people post weblog items that don't have a title and/or link. Of course users can include a title and link, but they don't have to. Lots of people, myself included, post items to our weblogs that don't have obvious titles, and may link to two or more other pages (and sometimes none). The thread eventually got to the core of the issue. Coool. [Scripting News]

10:42:44 AM    comment []

Consumer Producer Activites in the Value Creation Chain on the Internet

In the value creation chain for news on the internet lets consider six phases. 1)Search 2)Design 3)Production 4)Facillitation 5)Consumption 6) Evaluation

Each party had limited resources for example time and money as well as other forms of capital such as human and social. We have to spend all these to maximize our utility. News is just another type of consumable product or service.

Computers were one of the first things to really sell online because you have to have a computer to be online so the audience of online participants were in need of computers, were knowledgeable to some degree about them and further computer systems were highely customizable. They made a great canidate for consumer producer interaction in the value creation process on the internet.

News is another great candidate for the consumer producer interactions in the value creation on the internet because much of news is about gaining access to information. If a blogger writes a blog and nowbody reads it is he really blogging at all?

Under what conditions will people choose to participate in the value creation process on the internet today. When it is the best option above all others available to them competing for that same consumption or production event. I once read the paper but now I find it better and faster for me to consume my news online.

If one can get credit for their contribution to the social wellfair it makes it more likely for them to contribute to the social wellfare in the first place. There needs to be a mechinism for repution and side chanel payments. If I write something neet maybe someday dave will link to me or even Jon or maybe tim, and then I wouldn't be blogging alone anymore. These links are examples of systematic reputation managment and side payments. It is a way to get others to spend their limited time to read something I said. Time and money then would be spent consuming my thoughts and my reputation might be enhanced.

The system cost must be kept small enough so that the barrior to entry is low enough for others to easily enter the market. The price of radio is less than $50.00 and then I'm in the information trade business. But there is also a learning expence I don't have or don't choose to spend the time necessary to smoothly work the software even as easy as it is I run accross problems with little things like getting the photo tool working the way I expect it to work. Sometimes this small cost in time is enough to direct me to another channel.

got to go for now more as time and knowledge permit


OK, let's deconstruct a myth. Someone says that weblogs aren't journalism. OK, suppose a journalist has a weblog. When that journalist writes something on the weblog, therefore, it must not be journalism. Suppose the journalist writes exactly the same words on her weblog that she writes in a column in the newspaper she writes for. In one place it's journalism and in the other it's not? Hmmm. OK, try this one out. Are weblogs medicine? Suppose a doctor is writing a weblog and the doctor writes something she learned in medical school. Then the same doctor writes the same text in a medical textbook. I guess it's not medicine when its written in a weblog? You see how silly these arguments are, how easy they are to deconstruct. If there is such a thing as journalism, it must be possible to practice it in a weblog. It's just a format. Nothing more. It's really not a mystery in 2002. [Scripting News]

10:15:38 AM    comment []

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