Updated: 5/1/2003; 3:22:55 PM.
Blogging Alone
Stephen Dulaney's Radio Weblog

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

TopicExchange does ENT.

New RSS features on topicexchange.com. A minor (but very handy) change to the Internet Topic Exchange today: it now supports ENT (spec), which means suitably equipped aggregators will be able to pull topic information straight out of the RSS feeds.

Making this actually useful is a new RSS feed:
all posts on the site. If you want to keep track of everything, subscribe to that one (traffic on the Exchange is still not awfully high, so you won't find yourself overwhelmed). An aggregator which understands topics will be able to just pull down this one RSS feed instead of heaps of individual topic channel feeds.

The most interesting bit is yet to come: I've been contacted by
Scott Johnston and Greg Gershman, who both seem interested in using Topic Exchange information to do some sort of classification of search results. Sort of like the way Google uses dmoz to give you links to relevant categories when you search. This functionality is yet to come, but the hooks are there in the Topic Exchange, so any developers are welcome to start using them from now on!

For people who are interested in using this, I've written a page to explain
how to handle the data. Enjoy!


[Second p0st]

This is fantastic news.  Well done Phil!

[Curiouser and curiouser!]
12:25:44 PM    comment []

Good article on media struggle to find a home for blogs. This quote illustrates the social norm formation or "self policing" that takes place in blogsphere. The trick is we're all new at this when we start and how do we learn the rules. Mistakes are made and sanctions are handed out.

"To be fair to the world of blogging, he was caught by another blogger," says Reynolds. "That's how the blog world works -- it's inherently self-policing."[Chicago Tribune]

The fundamental driver for blog behavior is that when information becomes more freely available it becomes more beneficial to give it away freely and accurately. Reputation matters. Under what conditions will consumers choose to participate in this value creation process or information economy? People will be more likely to participate when they can cheaply obtain a reputation for their contribution.

The affordances of web logs make these axioms available to many with little cost. There is still the cost of learning and getting past the big question. What is a blog and why should I care. That each has to answer for their selves. Once you invest the time to answer that question many users find that the benifits are beyond their initial expectations.


11:41:43 AM    comment []

Une guerre presque comme les autres.

Here is an article from "le monde" that gives some post/war analysis and what the victory means for the united states.  I found it very interesting.  Here are some exerps and some (rough)transtations.

"C'est la troisième victoire remportée en douze ans par les armées américaines et, des trois, c'est la plus éclatante. Sur le plan politique, rien ne garantit que ce succès ne soit pas de courte durée, compromis à terme par les difficultés de l'occupation. Mais Washington a engrangé des images d'une valeur inestimable : celles de foules irakiennes en liesse abattant la statue de ce dictateur que George W. Bush leur avait décrit comme l'incarnation du mal."

Its the third victory in the last 12 years for the american army, and of the three it is the most impressive.  However, politically, it is not a sure bet that this success will last a long time, due to the challanges of occupation.  But, washington was energizes by the priceless images: those of the irakie people joyfully taking down the statue of the the dictature that George Bush had described as a representation of evil"

[Rob Dulaney's Radio Weblog]
10:01:56 AM    comment []

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