Updated: 18/08/2003; 12:45:39.
mobile, product design, user experience, project and team management ... and various things

28 August 2002

Nokia grows share in weakish handset market. 70% of Europeans already have a mobile, mfrs hope new picture phones will convince some of them to upgrade. Gartner expects the market to pick up a little, but disputes Nokia's market share.

Germany expects to get some 3G licenses back. Business Week thinks there's plenty of life in 3G still - but what are the strategies for success?.

Meanwhile, Singapore Airlines launches inflight SMS, whilst J-Phone is sending back flawed Sharp cam-handsets.
11:59:31 PM     comments

Snipped from the press release: The product supports VOIP/SIP/SS7/PSTN call control, ATT/BBN/Nuance/Speechworks ASR, AT&T/Rhetorical/Scansoft/Speechworks/SVOX TTS and Tomcat/JRUN/Websphere/BEA/ASP/Audium/Oracle/etc app servers.
11:58:36 PM     comments

Genesys is an Alcatel-owned call-centre co. It bought Telera, a voice/web platform co, in May 2002, which allows them (in their own words) to "offer a complete, integrated solution for both voice self-service and live agent assistance. Genesys is already leveraging the Voice-Web technology in its recently announced Genesys Voice Portal, an advanced voice self-service application for customer contact management". Ie: voice in call centreas is good.
11:57:45 PM     comments

LD's Larry Disser says that the interface is the key driver for market growth:
Mass acceptance of the interface is the ultimate driver of exponential growth. This will be accomplished through higher user awareness and penetration rates which, in turn, will be accomplished through mass deployment. Mass deployment requires products and applications that
- Validate re-usable ROI models
- Respond to mission critical communication problems
- Are friendly and welcoming, especially to new users
- Are not intimidating to deploy and support
Additionally, a parallel can be drawn with the reasons behind the market growth voice mail experienced. The more people interact with properly deployed speech applications, the more users will expect this interface - speech then becomes a "must have" instead of a "nice to have."

11:56:57 PM     comments

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