On May 16, BusinessWeek Online published a special report on Linux. Here is how it's introduced:
Linux Grows Up The software upstart is gaining corporate acceptance, but will a real business model ever evolve?
This report contains five articles:
Giant Steps for a Software Upstart Linux is gaining momentum in nearly all corners of computing, and more and better programs now run on it. Now, it just needs a business model.
Before Red Hat Sees Blue Skies The leading seller of Linux software will first have to hit 2003 expectations -- and succeed with its new high-end product.
"I Think We're Up to the Challenge" Red Hat CEO Matthew Szulik talks about his strategy for turning free software into a profitable business.
A Bad, Sad Hollywood Ending? Open-source software could find itself locked out of a whole industry if the entertainment giants get their way on copyright protection.
The Software Counter Culture Small and midsize businesses such as retailers are starting to latch onto Linux, finding greater productivity and lower costs.
Source: Alex Salkever, BusinessWeek Online, May 16, 2002
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