I like CIO Magazine, not because I'm a CIO, but because they're often nice enough to provide an Executive Summary for their lengthy articles. This one is no exception. So here it is:
Good storage management enables strategic systems such as CRM to function at their peak, and it can save a boatload of money as a company's storage needs expand exponentially. Yet many companies haven't built an enterprisewide storage architecture; they continue to live with a crazy quilt pieced together over the years. Developing an architecture requires classifying data that has to be retained for regulatory reasons, data that drives business decisions and business-critical data, and making sure the most mission-critical information resides on the most reliable storage. Data that's less often accessed and less critical can be allocated to the cheaper storage media. Companies should consider incorporating into their storage plans one of the upcoming storage management technologies, including storage resource management (SRM), storage network management and storage virtualization. SRM tools monitor storage capacity on the network and allocate more as needed, drawing on unused storage capacity elsewhere in the enterprise.
And here is a short quote about storage costs -- still rising:
Once an oxymoron, storage strategy is starting to get the attention it deserves, driven in part by cost. CIO's exclusive survey "Managing Storage" (conducted in February 2002) found that on average 22 percent of a company's total IT budget will be allocated to storage this year (some analysts estimate that the budget bite can go as high as 50 percent).
Source: Carol Hildebrand, CIO Magazine, May 15, 2002 Issue
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