Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
How new technologies are modifying our way of life

mardi 30 avril 2002

You've heard about the recent financial problems at Nvidia, the graphics chipmaker. Now, let's concentrate about technology, and this interview with Dave Kirk, Nvidia's chief scientist.

Do you know what are "better pixels?" It's about anti-aliasing, or smoothing edges.

OK, you knew that.

Next question? What about Moore's law?

"The number of transistors in a given area for a given cost rises faster than Moore's Law. The reason that CPUs are unable to keep pace is that everything in the sequential architecture of the CPU has to go through one pipe. With graphics, where we can have a more scalable architecture, the curve is much steeper; we can double performance every six months."

Let's see if he can be right. If yes, what about a Kirk's law?

Source: Matt Loney, Special to CNET, Apr. 29, 2002

Web services, courtesy of Uncle Sam

Like many of you working for high-tech companies, I always found that knowledge management (or content management) was a problem.

Guess what? I found a bigger company, with a much larger nightmare. The U.S. federal government has 33 million Web pages scattered across 23,000 Web sites.

According to this article, this bad dream will last for some time. The different federal agencies are not really to adopt XML or Web services specifications for a while.

Source: Eric Knorr, ZDNet Tech Update, Apr. 23, 2002

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