Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
How new technologies are modifying our way of life

jeudi 4 avril 2002

You probably read recently several announcements stating that some CEOs or other executives saw a reduction of their salaries or bonuses this year.

Think twice and read this article.

As the author, Larry Dignan, says: "The top guys always get their dough."

Source: Larry Dignan, CNET, Apr. 3, 2002

Intel forces yoga group to fight for its name

Here are the "fighters". In one corner, "Intel Inside". In the opposite one, "Yoga Inside", a small non-profit company from Venice, California.

This company provides free yoga classes and of course, has nothing to do with computer chips.

Intel says it has spent millions of dollars promoting its "Intel Inside" trademark and that anyone who wants to use a "Whatevername Inside" is violating it.

On the other hand, Intel would accept "Inside Yoga" without objection.

Source: David Lazarus, San Francisco Chronicle, Mar. 29, 2002

A Collection of

This story is fascinating. Thinking that people are spending time to create "found objects" websites is quite puzzling -- at least for me.

If you want to take a peak at some "strange" collections, the article contain many links.

Source: Jenn Shreve, Wired News, Apr. 2, 2002

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