Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
How new technologies are modifying our way of life

mercredi 10 avril 2002

On the 64-bit processor roadmap, The Inquirer thinks that Intel is in danger. AMD soon will  introduce its "Hammer" series of x86-64 chips. And they will offer far more versatility than Intel's Itanium family -- and will surely be cheaper.

So watch out if you need a commodity 64-bit processor. Rumours say that even Sun Microsystems is interested. But I insist: it's a *rumour*:!

Source: Arron Rouse, The Inquirer, Apr. 9, 2002

Sabine et les haricots sauteurs

Here is another article in french, about a young arts teacher in Paris. She's 25 and can be credited for a short movie "La Révolte des haricots rouges".

A rough translation would be "The Revolt of kidney beans."

You can watch the video here, but be warned: depending on the version you choose, you'll have to download between 9 and 32 megabytes...

Source: Marie Bélœil, Le Monde interactif du 10 avril 2002

A la recherche d'une parade contre les astéroïdes tueurs

What about a little science-fiction story today?

We are on March 16, 2880 and the 1950 DA asteroid -- the one which missed the earth in March -- is coming back FAST.

So, what's to do? Destroy it? Deviate it? Take an interplanetary spaceship to avoid it and see our planet explode? You decide.

This story is brought to you by Le Monde, which means that you'll need some french basics to understand it.

Source: Pierre Barthélémy, Le Monde interactif du 9 avril 2002

Will AOL and Yahoo Trade Places?

BusinessWeek is looking at the stock values of AOL Time Warner and Yahoo! They are pretty close right now -- $21 for AOL, $18 for Yahoo! -- but have different curves. AOL is flirting with a 52-week low while Yahoo! regained almost 40% from last year.

And investors are worried that AOL shares can sooner be lower than Yahoo's ones. They mention a possible "psychological impact." Does this comparison between these companies make sense to you?

Source: David Shook, BusinessWeek Online, Apr. 10, 2002

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