Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
How new technologies are modifying our way of life

mercredi 3 avril 2002

Grid computing... What would be life without buzzwords?

CIO Magazine looks at grid computing (let's say "distributed computing") and what companies can do with this. It correctly identifies why the hardware vendors are interested in -- selling more boxes to customers who could work with their own grids.

And it also correctly points to the two problems to be solved before the adoption of this technology by large companies: security and standardization.

Source: Eric Berkman, CIO Magazine, Apr. 1, 2002 Issue

Fiorina's Stereotype-Smashing Performance

You read dozens, if not hundreds, of articles about the battle between Hewlett-Packard shareholders regarding a merger with Compaq Computer.

BusinessWeek takes the gender angle to analyze the fight. And whatever the ultimate fate of the deal, the magazine thinks that Carly Fiorina -- the HP's CEO in case you weren't on this planet thes last months -- will remain as the proof that women have the right to access to the corner office.

Source: Amy Tsao, BusinessWeek Online, Apr. 3, 2002

Will you use Teoma instead of Google?

Teoma is a new search engine which belongs to Ask Jeeves. It promises to do a better job than Google.

Well, I tried Teoma -- like a bunch of you. The initial page is crisp. Results come fast. And there are two new kinds of results to help you to refine your search or to explore cllections of links (named "Resources").

But Google is much better, with the endless possibilities of its Advanced Search feature. With Google, you can restrict your research to a particular language or to a specific site.

I'll stick with Google for the moment.

Source: The Associated Press, Apr. 1, 2002

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