Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
How new technologies are modifying our way of life

dimanche 7 avril 2002

I don't know your age, but it's highly possible that some of you never saw a suggestion box (une "boîte à idées" comme nous disons en français), but the concept is coming back.

And not in a primary school or at your local grocery store, but in some cutting edge businesses.

Read this article to learn more about idea management, a subset of knowledge management.

Source: Tony Kontzer, InformationWeek, Mar. 25, 2002

CTO of the year

And the winner is...

According to InfoWorld, the Chief Technology Officer of the year is Dawn Meyerriecks. And where is she working? She's CTO of the U.S. Defense Department's Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), an agency with a $4 billion budget.

Source: Eve Epstein,, Apr. 5, 2002

Plan ahead to get your tech items through airport security

Airport security stricter new rules in the US are affecting travelers. Of course, in Europe, security has always been tighter, mainly because a greater percentage of flights is international.

Nevertheless, this article explains how to better pack your briefcase, your carry-on bag and your checked luggage.

Read it now, and you'll save time tomorrow.

Source: Jon Fortt, Mercury News, Apr. 4, 2002

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