Please don't jump to explore your dictionary. "Holistic computing" is also called autonomic or introspective computing. What? You still need a dictionary? Come on.
One happy guy at IBM, Alan Ganek, has even the pleasure to put on his business cards the title of "vice president of autonomic computing." I would like that.
More seriously, according to IBM, future "autonomic systems" will have four features. They will be self-configuring, self-optimizing, self-healing and self-protecting.
Source: Michael Kanellos, CNET, Apr. 11, 2002
Microsoft wants us to take planes without pilots -- in 2030.
Craig Mundie,Senior Vice President and CTO, Advanced Strategies and Policy at Microsoft Corporation, published recently a paper on the "Trustworthy computing" subject.
I'm absolutely sure that most of you are using devices powered by some Microsoft software. Will you board a plane without a plane BUT with a Microsoft piece of software? Tough question...
Source: Paul Boutin, Salon, Apr. 9, 2002
Of course, you're all familiar with the XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI worlds (and you've completely forgotten the EDI one).
[Note: all the above acronyms are detailed in the article.]
If you're not that accustomed with Web services, this long article is for you. It describes -- in business terms -- some success stories.
As you'll discover -- and I'm sure you'll not be surprised -- all the deployments of Web services described here are behind closed walls. We'll have to wait for a while until security concerns are cleared before these concepts are widly adopted.
Source: Susannah Patton, CIO Magazine, Apr. 1, 2002 Issue
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