Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
How new technologies are modifying our way of life

vendredi 12 avril 2002

Please don't jump to explore your dictionary. "Holistic computing" is also called autonomic or introspective computing. What? You still need a dictionary? Come on.

One happy guy at IBM, Alan Ganek, has even the pleasure to put on his business cards the title of "vice president of autonomic computing." I would like that.

More seriously, according to IBM, future "autonomic systems" will have four features. They will be self-configuring, self-optimizing, self-healing and self-protecting.

Source: Michael Kanellos, CNET, Apr. 11, 2002

Anti-Trustworthy computing

Microsoft wants us to take planes without pilots -- in 2030.

Craig Mundie,Senior Vice President and CTO, Advanced Strategies and Policy at Microsoft Corporation, published recently a paper on the "Trustworthy computing" subject.

I'm absolutely sure that most of you are using devices powered by some Microsoft software. Will you board a plane without a plane BUT with a Microsoft piece of software? Tough question...

Source: Paul Boutin, Salon, Apr. 9, 2002

Web Services in the Real World

Of course, you're all familiar with the XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI worlds (and you've completely forgotten the EDI one).

[Note: all the above acronyms are detailed in the article.]

If you're not that accustomed with Web services, this long article is for you. It describes -- in business terms -- some success stories.

As you'll discover -- and I'm sure you'll not be surprised -- all the deployments of Web services described here are behind closed walls. We'll have to wait for a while until security concerns are cleared before these concepts are widly adopted.

Source: Susannah Patton, CIO Magazine, Apr. 1, 2002 Issue

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