Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
How new technologies are modifying our way of life

jeudi 25 avril 2002

[Ed.: The link to Le Monde is now broken, so I try to suppress it, but I can't -- apparently a limitation of Radio Userland software. You still can search the newspaper's website for the article -- and pay for it if you want to read it.]

Many Internet sites in France changed their looks and contents after the first round of the presidential elections: black screens in some cases, calls to say NO to racism or fascism almost everywhere.

The goal is clear: 90% of french people or more MUST vote for Jacques Chirac. This will solve -- for the short term -- two problems: the extreme-right will be marginalized; and the percentage of voters for Chirac will be too large to be *hijacked* by the democratic conservative political partiesfor the more meaningful elections to come.

On May 5, this will be a "referendum" for democracy in France, not an election for a president.

For the first time in my life, I'll vote for the right wing. 

We must do it all!

Source: Nicolas Bourcier et Stéphane Mandard, Le Monde, April 26, 2002

AOL Time Warner Posts Huge Loss

AOL Time Warner Inc. broke a record yesterday: the largest corporate loss in one quarter. The previous record was held by JDS Uniphase in its first quarter of 2001 with a loss of $41.8 billion.

AOL reported a loss of $54 billion for its first quarter, "largely because of accounting changes."

I just looked at the 2000 statistics from the World Bank Group (you can check them here). During this year, only 44 countries had a yearly GNI (Gross National Income) greater than the loss of AOL in a single quarter. Am I dreaming?

Sources: Alec Klein, The Washington Post, Apr. 25, 2002; The World Bank Group

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